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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    pardon me, while i burst in flames. || KINGDOM MEETING [MANDATORY]

      His eyes watch with heavy scrutiny, observing the many movements and various ticks of the males and females that linger before him. His heart swells within his chest with each throbbing thump as it batters against his sore rib cage; he could not be more humbled by the sight of so many. Their eyes (brown, blue, and every color in between) remain steady on him, and in turn, he connects his searing red eyes with their own. He listens quietly to the lofty silence that lingers in between as the icy breeze drifts through the canyon, sliding between his heavy, matted locks and soothing his warm skin.

      A voice rises above the crowd, and he observes the source at last. A familiar face with an unfamiliar voice, but one he had seen his daughter take quite a liking to. Romek. His eyes are soulful and Offspring can feel his heart ache at the way his muscles tense upon hearing the heavy burden of terrible news; he knows with some certainty that many before him might have some sort of connection to the arid, dry desert land and as a result, would suffer anguish from the immense loss of it. "It is an unfortunate truth. The heavy weight of war and discontent have stirred the Gods, and as a result, the Deserts have now perished into the sea. There is nothing but the ocean tide remaining."

      He pauses, sincerely willing a soulful but wordless apology to the spotted male, before moving his attention to his second-in-command. His expression is often displeasure, something he had noted had lingered too long, though now it is one of concern. Offspring alone was King, and in turn, he alone would make difficult decisions - though he cherished the companionship shared between he and Brynmor, he did not owe any answers, nor did he owe any apology. He did, however, need to speak with him to further discuss what lay ahead - and he would, in due time.

      "Josie and Maribel will travel to the Jungle, and I will accompany them." He pauses, giving his color-changing Maribel a warm uptick of a smile. It is faint, but he knows she will see it all the same. 

      His heart swells once more at the sight of his precious daughter Eione, a petite creature nestling into her stunning mother's shoulder, and the bay sabino his heart aches to be near to. There are no words to describe how he feels, caught in the moment - in spite of it all, Isle stands beside him as she always had, giving herself to him in a way that he would have never asked her to. The moment remains heavy as he contemplates his words, but Ianto speaks then and he gives a solemn nod. "I agree with Ianto, and I would appreciate the time given to her. She is a worthy and capable opponent for any - and her children need her here," A heavy breath exits his tired lungs. "and she is in no condition yet to travel."

       "Ianto and Isle, you will take dawn and Romek and Brynmor will take dusk, until Vaughan returns. Rael Fire and Real Fire can alternate with each to provide adequate time for rest and self-sustenance." 

       "Vaughan, the livelihood of our kingdom rests heavily on the shoulders of our soldiers. Without watch, our runes could potentially be ruined and without them, our lands will perish. I trust you to take care in traveling to our allies. I know that you will ensure the task is cared for and completed. And no, I think I'd sooner let you freeze." He says, eyes alight with mirth. It is too easy to allow the weariness to set in and to forget to let humor have its place. It is a welcome reprieve. The potential that lies within the once troublesome male is overtly overwhelming; he knows that he is both capable and resourceful. Vaughan proves himself with each waning day.

       "Brynmor, I will have you stay. Though I know that you are immensely capable, I believe that I should be the one to engage in this delicate diplomacy matter. I will need you to stand in my place in my absence."

      A young, quivering filly quakes with excitement as she bursts at the seams with a raw energy he has not seen in some time, and he cannot withhold the deep chuckle from rumbling in his throat. His eyes soften and he watches her with a delicate fondness - a soft spot for youth, to be certain. He longs for the days lost to him in seeing his own children vibrate with such fervor; Lieschel, Argo and Neverwas come to the forefront of his mind. Precious children, each of them, regardless of the youth that has begun to escape them as the features become more defined and their innocence lost to the world.

      "Yes, young one. Perhaps Romek would be willing to extend his company to you. A second pair of eyes can be helpful in keeping watch." He muses softly, before sweeping his gaze across those who remain before him, stewing over his words in silence or murmuring gently to those around them. "If there are any other questions, speak now - I thank you for your time."



    Brynmor is in charge while Offy is off to the Jungle. Big Grin

    Josie and Maribel will go to the Jungle to meet Lexa with Offspring.
    I will post for them tomorrow (7/31).

    Vaughan will travel to the Valley and to the Chamber to set up mocks with the allies.
    Romek, Ianto and Isle will take primary guard - Rael Fire and Real Fire will aid in taking guard as well. 
    Ashr can tag along (this can all be referred to in posts; it doesn't require actual action or a stand-alone post).
    Ianto will help Isle to learn defensive mechanics. 

    Graeme is adorable, and Lieschel and Weir both will be getting a post from Offspring soon (and their presence is noted).  Heart

    Any questions, PM me. Smile

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    RE: pardon me, while i burst in flames. || KINGDOM MEETING [MANDATORY] - by Offspring - 07-30-2016, 11:26 PM

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