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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  A Symphony of Color {Dara+Furia}
    Heat radiated from his skin as the sun continued its downpour of warmth and like a veteran caramelized beach-babe he knew it was time to switch sides. He stretched his legs out beside him in the most lackadaisical way, in no hurry to move even though his side baked uncomfortably now. In a way, this was his day off. He successfully escaped the walls of worry his family seemed to surround him with, and was on his own for at least until one of them came and found him. With a great heave of effort, the most he'd expended thus far today, he closed his eyes and flopped most inelegantly to his other half. He gave a quiet sigh of contentment and felt his cooled skin begin to tingle as the heat tried to remedy the lack of warmth there.

    So at ease was he, that he only half-heartedly wondered if his latest nursemaid would show up to check on him soon and interrupt his languid sun-bathing. He wasn't a child, but with such an outgoing family there must be something wrong with him to choose to be alone. He didn't see himself as alone so much as simply away from the titters and tatters and tut-tuts of family fussing over him. He peeked through a heavy-lidded eye and sure enough, almost as if he could sense them, a long shadow stretched out like a creepy finger coming to poke him as a figure drew near.  Ah, here they are now.  Perhaps a cousin or sister come to check on him. Those were fun; so easily flustered with his childish antics. A little smile hid in the corner of his mouth.

    Fair morn, thy great Guardian,  he thought dramatically in a slow theatrical drawl, in case it was one of the telepaths, lifting his head then dropping it in a lazy salute for emphasis.  Has thou been sent to rouse the beast, then?

    He waited a few moments but received no response; not a telepath then. He remained still, pretending not to have noticed them approaching, and soaked up what was left of his solitude. When the figure was close enough to block out the sun, he flattened his skull to the ground and angled his chin up, looking at them upside-down. With the sun so bright, all he could see was a silhouette though, and he tilted his nose back a little further to force the sun's angle behind the shadowy mass. He smiled politely at whoever his newest chaperone would be today, wondering how on earth he could ruin the next five minutes of their life.

    As the shadowy values began to come into focus on her face, that's when he realized three things. He didn't now this person, for one. Also, he thought maybe she had asked him a question, because her face looked a little expectant. Had he been paying attention, he probably could've read her lips or guessed at the general line of conversation, (how many different greetings are there, anyway, right?) but alas. And thirdly, there were two of them.  A smaller one, that's odd.  But just as he thought it, the smaller silhouette continued closer, growing larger and larger.

    Little more... liiittle moorree.... Ah, there we go. Now you're the same size.  The closest figure huffed lightly at him, and a little puff of baby breath tickled his nose, just a hint of that milky sweet undertone only foals had.  I know this game.  He grinned a lopsided grin and his eyes glittered with mischief. Slowly, he pulled in a good long breath, filling his lungs to capacity. He could see it already; he'd blow out his breath through his nose and icky spittle would sprinkle all over her little face. She'd squeal and her expression would be priceless! Girls were so easy to get a rise out of! He could already feel laughter bubbling up just imagining it, (it was so good!), and before he could follow through with his boyish prank, he could contain it no longer; his lungs burst in a roar of laughter.

    He laughed and laughed, and as he rolled to his belly, tucking his rear legs beneath him, he laughed some more. Oh man, he thought breathlessly, you should've seen the look on your face! His head tilted thoughtfully for a moment. Or, what it would have looked like anyway. And his laughter resumed. It didn't matter to him that he was talking to himself, or even making a fool of himself in front of strangers. That usually made things funnier because others would think him odd and make comically confused little faces at him.

    He turned his attention to the older of the two; she didn't seem to throw off overly-protective maternal waves but was still very much the guardian, so perhaps a sister? He met her gaze and held it as he brought his legs beneath him and slowly stood up, his eyes flecked with curiosity. He would've preferred lounging about as he was, but it was firmly rooted within him to stand when greeting a lady. Thanks, dad. He took a moment to appreciate the contrast between her nearly-monochromatic coat and the variation of color in the grass and flowers surrounding her. And like a simpleton, he just waited and stared at her.

    Messages In This Thread
    A Symphony of Color {Dara+Furia} - by Baymax - 07-17-2016, 11:29 PM
    RE: A Symphony of Color {Dara+Any} - by Dara - 07-27-2016, 11:22 AM
    RE: A Symphony of Color {Dara+Any} - by Furia - 07-28-2016, 04:04 PM
    RE: A Symphony of Color {Dara+Any} - by Baymax - 07-29-2016, 02:21 PM
    RE: A Symphony of Color {Dara+Any} - by Dara - 08-02-2016, 05:28 PM
    RE: A Symphony of Color {Dara+Any} - by Furia - 08-02-2016, 06:04 PM
    RE: A Symphony of Color {Dara+Any} - by Baymax - 08-06-2016, 01:56 PM
    RE: A Symphony of Color {Dara+Furia} - by Dara - 08-07-2016, 09:14 PM

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