07-28-2016, 07:29 PM
He gazed to the mare who seemed embarrassed about mentioning Cicero, he lowered his head to grab another mouthful of grass. She apologized and he raised his head Don't sweat it, I'm as much a father to him as he'll ever know. Just not by blood he smiled but deep down his heart broke for his family that vanish from the lands.
The mare than answered the rest of his question, she didn't know if she wanted any foals, because she wasn't sure if she would be a good mother. He moved closer to the mare and nudged her shoulder you'd be a fine mother Raxa. Maybe strict, but there's nothing wrong with that, if you raised a colt he would be a fine warrior one day he smiled thinking about a little foal running around that belonged to Raxa. She might be good at hiding her emotions but every mare wanted a foal, it was instinctual.
They enjoyed there snack before silence was broken, this time Raxa asked about Ashara. He swallowed the grass that was in his mouth and took a moment to think, his heart broke for his dear friend who vanished. She appeared recently but he has not seen her since, he gave a shrug to Raxa I've seen her recently, but I can't say that she is back. he tried to sound as non-depressed as possible I do hope that she comes back though his voice got more joyous thinking about the return of his friend. Although the golden vixen disappeared a few years ago it did not stop Jedi. He now holds the highest rank in the kingdom for warriors and was proud of his own accomplishments.