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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    in a sea of lovers without ships; any

    Of course, the legend she knows most about is Him – the dark god, thundering in his lair while she, small and mousey-brown (He had been before the silver, before the magic made itself known on her skin). He had told her tales, His own terrible deeds, tales of murder and mayhem and slated earth, forests burned down for the sake of seeing a flame.
    (The ideas that seemed so wretched at the time almost have an appeal, now. Not that she would burn down a city, but maybe a house. Not a forest, but maybe a lone oak.)
    She still does not speak his name for fear it will turn to ash in her mouth.

    It will hurt me, he says.
    “Yes,” she agrees. It would. If he touched her, she would hurt him, because it is her nature – her skin is sacrament and anyone who touches it is cursed by her lightning.
    (Except, of course, for her. For Spyndle, Cordis would flay her own skin so she could kiss her very bones.)
    She doesn’t invite him, but she doesn’t dissuade him, either. Don’t say he wasn’t warned.

    But he is on to other questions, other desires – to become like her. Because he is a fool, he cannot see that under her hard eyes lies a hundred deaths and the cold flatness of heartbreak, he only sees the glamor of her walking thunderstorm. To him, she is something to desired, envied.
    “I don’t know, exactly,” she said, “I escaped from…a place, and ran away. Someone else tried to hurt me and then…well, then this happened. And he didn’t hurt me again.”
    She remembers that wayfarer with a dusty bitterness. It hadn’t been Him, had been a simple, stupid boy filled with fury and lust, who had taken her before she burned him alive, left her in the family way with a silver-maned daughter she hasn’t heard from in years.
    Pain is a pathway, though, and that pain – the pain that blossomed outside of His lair (what happened there was beyond pain, beyond anything she had words for) – had paved a road for her, a road of rivers and gold mares, a road of lightning.

    I’ll touch you all and make damn sure


    that no one touches me

    picture © horseryder.deviantart.com

    Messages In This Thread
    in a sea of lovers without ships; any - by Cordis - 07-20-2016, 11:08 AM
    RE: in a sea of lovers without ships; any - by Cordis - 07-28-2016, 10:43 AM

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