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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    pardon me, while i burst in flames. || KINGDOM MEETING [MANDATORY]

    out of the woods, out of the dark
    It always feels like winter here, but Isle finds that she minds less and less with the passing years. Though she had fallen immediately in love with the way the sun fractured like diamonds against the ice wall, the cold was an altogether different story. She was small and sleek like her mother, slight by nature, and it had taken years for her now thick coat to fully come in. On the best days she no longer minded the cold, the days where the wind slept quiet and the sun drenched the side of the mountain in watery yellow light- and on the coldest she had her family, she had Offspring.

    She follows him now across the Tundra, lagging behind with their daughter, their beautiful Eione, tucked against her flank. There is absolutely nothing in the world like being a mother, nothing that comes close, nothing that makes her quite this content. She pauses again to allow the girl a chance to rest if she needs it, and her neck turns so that she can bury her lips in the tufts of dark forelock. They continue on this way for a bit, and by the time they’ve joined Offspring again there is already a steadily growing crowd around him. As they pass him to join the rest, Isle reaches out to touch his shoulder in a quiet way, lending him her comfort although he would never need it. It didn’t matter that the magic had been torn from him, from the kingdom, it didn’t matter that his thoughts spun like blades in his head. He would always, always be the strength this kingdom needed.

    She picks a spot at the outer edge of the group, close, but not so close that Eione might accidentally be jostled by passing bodies. The girl is barely a day old, barely steady on her feet, and yet she clings stubbornly to Isle who in turn pulls her into the warmth of her chest and lays a dark chin protectively over her small back.

    He fills in his people and she is quiet, quiet because she already knows. With his concerns voiced he begins to organize and she finds that her gaze drifts between the faces of those who answer first. She understands she would make a poor diplomat, that she has no business being sent into the heart of other kingdoms until she can more easily control her mind-reading. Few take well to such an invasion of privacy. Even now she can feel her head ache with the effort of holding her mind close, with the effort of ignoring the clamor of thoughts pressing against her brittle resolve. But then a thought occurs to her, and with some hesitance she offers her own help.

    “I could guard the cave.” She says, quiet at first, and then a little louder when her eyes find that familiar red smolder. “If someone comes, someone who can’t block me, I’d know.” And it seems strange that this thing she’s always been shamed for, this ability to read minds, could actually be of use to the kingdom. But then a second thought occurs to her, and a sliver of doubt buries itself in that quiet resolve. "I just need someone to teach me how to defend it."

    i am well aware of the shadows in my heart

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: pardon me, while i burst in flames. || KINGDOM MEETING [MANDATORY] - by isle - 07-25-2016, 09:35 PM

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