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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    protesting in your paper crown; ahem, ladies
    Sreva had never taken any interest at all in being lead mare, much less a leader of anything. If Chemdog had approached her about taking the mantle of lead mare, she would've told him to go ask one of the other mares he was always off busy screwing with, even outside of breeding season. Sreva didn't understand why her body reacted a certain way when he was around near foaling season, since she'd grown up pretty reserved and didn't really have any adults to teach her this stuff. Eventually, she figured it out.

    It was nature's way of telling her to put a baby in that belly. Yeah, like that was gonna happen anytime soon. Sreva just didn't feel ready yet to have a foal of her own. Those twins Sabe was taking care of, different story. Sreva would've just been there to help raise the foals, not take them on full-time by herself. But of course that mare had to be a complete prick and brushed Sreva away, wanting to handle three foals on her own.

    Sreva had thought Sabe was a somewhat nice mare, even if they didn't interact a lot, but now, the pintaloosa could see that one of Chemdog's favorite mares was a total prick and very much like a lot of horses she'd had to deal with when she was growing up.

    Helleborn also reminded her of those horses; spouting out bullcrap wherever she went, bragging about her newfound position as lead mare of the village. Which was why when Sreva heard the mare's call, she'd almost ignored it. Almost being the key word; perhaps if she went to where Helleborn was calling, she could put the haughty alpha mare in her place, or at least give her a piece of her mind and let her know how Sreva really felt.

    Once she'd arrived at the gathering place, Helleborn spoke up above the other mares, and that made Sreva quite angry. It was like the alpha mare was talking down to them, the ones that were members of the herd. Really, who did she think she was?!

    Sabe, surprisingly, voiced the same question Sreva had. She decided not to ask the same question, but instead branch off of it, "Yeah, you're saying you'll protect us, but I can just tell by the look of you there's a catch. What is in it for you? Bragging rights? The knowledge you can boss us around? What the hell do you want from us?" the pintaloosa spat, eyes narrowed in an irritated manner as she looked at Helleborn.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: protesting in your paper crown; ahem, ladies - by Sreva - 07-22-2016, 03:14 AM

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