07-21-2016, 01:08 AM
Raxa's spirit seemed to lift a little after they had returned home to the Falls. She never really called any place home, since she didn't quite know what a 'home' was; she'd always been on the run as a foal, never got to know a true home. But a place she knew well, it always made her feel better, lighter. It served to relieve her, knowing she was once more in her own turf, knowing she had a place to escape to.
The whole trip here, Raxa had stayed in front of Andras and the dappled mare, not really saying much. She could tell that the mare was in great pain; who wouldn't be, with a wound like that? Raxa knew that first-hoof; she had several healing scars of her own that had appeared there after an encounter with a predator or after a hard mock battle with another horse.
Sure, the scars could be healed by the waters of the Falls, or by the fairies in the battlefield, but there were reasons Raxa had chosen to keep the scars... reasons she did not want to share with anyhorse, ever.
Raxa heard the mare make a joke in an attempt to lighten the mood; keyword, attempt. It didn't really work too well. For Andras, probably because he was worried about her. For Raxa, simply because she wasn't a fan of jokes.
The familiar sound of the white-water falls filled the brindled mare's ears, and she let out a heavy sigh. The trio made their way to the waterfall at the edge of the river, stopping when they reached the banks. Andras told the mare to step in and see what happened, something that made Raxa roll her eyes. Really, he lived here his whole life, and he didn't know how they worked?
Raxa had never used the healing waters and even she knew how the process unfolded. She remained quiet as the dappled mare waded into the pond at the base of the waterfall until she was up to her neck. Deciding to wait until it was over with, Raxa wandered a couple steps downstream. She lowered her head and drank from the stream, her parched throat becoming soaked with cold water as she swallowed it bit by bit.
Once she was finished with her brief drink, she lifted her head, looking back toward the mare and Andras to see how it was going.
The whole trip here, Raxa had stayed in front of Andras and the dappled mare, not really saying much. She could tell that the mare was in great pain; who wouldn't be, with a wound like that? Raxa knew that first-hoof; she had several healing scars of her own that had appeared there after an encounter with a predator or after a hard mock battle with another horse.
Sure, the scars could be healed by the waters of the Falls, or by the fairies in the battlefield, but there were reasons Raxa had chosen to keep the scars... reasons she did not want to share with anyhorse, ever.
Raxa heard the mare make a joke in an attempt to lighten the mood; keyword, attempt. It didn't really work too well. For Andras, probably because he was worried about her. For Raxa, simply because she wasn't a fan of jokes.
The familiar sound of the white-water falls filled the brindled mare's ears, and she let out a heavy sigh. The trio made their way to the waterfall at the edge of the river, stopping when they reached the banks. Andras told the mare to step in and see what happened, something that made Raxa roll her eyes. Really, he lived here his whole life, and he didn't know how they worked?
Raxa had never used the healing waters and even she knew how the process unfolded. She remained quiet as the dappled mare waded into the pond at the base of the waterfall until she was up to her neck. Deciding to wait until it was over with, Raxa wandered a couple steps downstream. She lowered her head and drank from the stream, her parched throat becoming soaked with cold water as she swallowed it bit by bit.
Once she was finished with her brief drink, she lifted her head, looking back toward the mare and Andras to see how it was going.