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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    let me in the wall you've built around. || ANY & ALL [CAVE INITIATION]

    This was all crazy to her, just a few weeks ago she was in the Dale with her family and now she was preparing for an initiation. She met Vaughan and decided to join the diplomat caste, but learned she needed to go through an initiation first. She followed in a group of others, they were around her age but some slightly younger than her. 

    They all seemed nervous for what was ahead of them, as if they were all Tundra born and raised and heard horror stories. The nervous vibe they gave off made Josie anxious for what was ahead of her, scared she couldn't complete the task.

    They stopped at the entrance of the cave and Offspring, the king, noted it would be physically and mentally painful. Her eyes grew slightly wider, what exactly does that entail? She had so many questions but refrained from asking, the only way she would find out was if she went into the cave. She watched as a few others went in and started there initiation before stepping to the entrance of the cave.

    She glanced behind her to the others that remained, awaiting the return of those who entered. She took a deep breath before stepping into the cave, her body instantly grew cold. Colder than anything she has ever felt, her body felt paralyzed as if she was unable to move from the cold. She pushed through it, each step grew heavier than the last, it felt like she was carrying fifty pounds of extra weight on each leg. Her mothers voice shot through her ears Josie she called out followed by a blood curling scream. Josie! Come Home! it was almost as if she was begging her to return to the Dale. 

    She wanted to run out of the cave, she did not want to hear her mother in pain but she shook the thoughts from her head. This was what she wanted, being apart of this kingdom that she found all on her own, this was all she wanted. As she pushed onward Phaedrus stood about twenty paces away from her, her heart raced with joy and she pushed through the pain breaking into a gallop but as she moved forward he got farther away Phaedrus! she screamed out in pain,  was this a sign of weakness? Tears began to shed, it was all so overwhelming, she wanted this so bad but the memories of those she left behind tore her apart. Her body was so cold now, she really couldn't feel anything anymore but she knew that she was freezing cold. 

    The walkway seemed to be closing, and it was getting harder to be able to walk, at one point her body scraped against the hard icy walls, scraping her sides up some small patches of fur torn away from her pelt in the process. She lifted her droopy head with hopes the exit was in sight, but it wasn't, instead her mother stood there. She stood there like a beautiful flower, her head was held high like she was proud of Josie but as Josie grew near her mother fell to the ground and screamed out her name Josie. Josie. Josie Help me! she screamed out as her image disappeared before her. 

    Josie wanted nothing more than to be out of this cave, why did anyone have to do this to defend there kingdom. Mother!! she screamed out and used all the strength she had left to run forward. She reached the exit, not one hundred percent sure how but the others stood there staring at her. She breathed a long and heavy breath glad to be back to the real world, she glanced at her sides that were no longer covered in blood and her body was no longer cold. She walked near Offspring, the king to introduce herself, dropping her head in a dip I request a spot in the diplomats her head returned to eye level but she moved to be back in with the crowd awaiting any others to exit. 

    Like The Dancer Before Me

    Josie will be a diplomat, her marking will be a mandala similar to  this:


    on her right shoulder, it will be white in color.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: let me in the wall you've built around. || ANY & ALL [CAVE INITIATION] - by Josie - 07-21-2016, 06:06 PM

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