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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    protesting in your paper crown; ahem, ladies

    » Innocence is always unsuspicious «

    I had heard the news a little while back. Chem had chosen Helle as his lead. She was flashy, outspoken- of sorts, and even if I didn’t want to admit it a good choice. The conclusion was not my first, and getting to that point had taken some time. When i had heard the news, I had to exit whatever conversation I was in and take time to process. It didn’t make sense to me at first, I thought i knew where I stood with Chem. he hadn’t outright said it, but I know he is different with me, I’ve seen his general interactions with some of the others and there is just something different about how he is with me. And truly, I don't mean to be vain, or self important...it simply is an observation. Well anyway all this is to say that my feelings were hurt initially. But after thought, I am not the bold fighter that Chem probably wanted. Herd lands tended to change hands quickly here, and they were in many ways more vulnerable than kingdoms as they were smaller and removed from their larger encompassing kingdoms. And while I knew I would fight for what I cared for, it is not my nature to be outspoken. All of this was difficult to accept and I was glad I heard the rumor first, so I wouldn’t have a public affair of coming to grasp with the terms, Chem wouldn’t appreciate that. He is many things, loving, snarky, proud, but when he decided on something he was resolute in the decision. Chem you not take kindly to someone testing his decisions. If someone won a challenge that was different, but bitching and whining would most likely not be welcomed.

    I heard the call and was more than happy to go, since I was ok with it all by the time the call came. I arrived at the meeting place, and waited for the others to come. It would be interesting to hear everyone’s thoughts. But I dipped my dark muzzle to Helle in greeting and listened to what she had to say. Jealousy worked through me, but I ignored it, best to worry about my standing with Chem when I was physically with him. Helle could not confirm a thing for me. When Helle finished, Sabe spoke up bitter (as I would expect given the rumor she lost a challenge). I had no time for all that nonsense so I walked across the group and stood beside the colorful mare, jealous or not I would respect my lover’s decisions. My words were to Helle, but my actions were a message for everyone ”Even if I don’t know you well enough to fully trust you yet Helle, I trust Chem and I must believe you were right for the job. I’ll have your back should you need it.” If the others were to cause a stink they would have to deal with me and Helle--for sure Helle.


    Kimber x Nymphetamine

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    RE: protesting in your paper crown; ahem, ladies - by Vessel - 07-20-2016, 06:05 PM

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