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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    protesting in your paper crown; ahem, ladies

    The lavender lips are curling upward after the recent challenge. Matching pools peer from beneath the tuft of the pastel purple brow. She is queen of the Village and it causes a bloom of swelling pride in her breast. She does not feel humble at fucking all.

    Limbs pull her across the land to enter back within her home. The scent of the other women was prevalent. Pools casually caress the tree lines and grasses in search of other forms. Chem was most likely off with one of the girls-


    due to the nature of the autumn season. The thought of foaling this season causes Helle to curl her lips in a slight sneer. No...she would pass on a child this season. Let the others bear his fruit. This it best to remain focused on the herd and their territory. 

    And now the first order of business.

    The call is low but nonetheless a summons. It calls to the other women in a different tone, smooth but assertive and heavy with bearing. Helle anticipated their presence and surely it would be a pissy, bitchy, sour one. 


    She waits for the women to arrive before speaking. Pale amethyst eyes meet to each of them...some she knows and some she does not but it does not matter. Best to get the words out before they start to squabble with one another. "I'm Helleborn, some of you I know and some I do not. Chem has appointed me as lead in the Village." The striped lass speaks clearly to them, eyes purposely working to meet with each set of the mares. "I understand who we are- what we are. We are strong women. We are proud and we take no fucking shit from anyone. I am calling you all today because I make no plans to play pretty princess and toss my weight around... No, my job is to be protection and be the face beside Chem. Whether you like me or not is on you but I am here to serve beside our stallion and to help protect this herd just as he. I truly do not give two shits what you do with him because ladies, we have better things to do them squabble over a man. We are better than that. Those who do...well, best of luck. Just know I won't stand in your way."

    She falls quiet after speaking and allows any other woman to have her say. Lobes are moving against the cooling breeze when it lifts her tresses, toying playfully with them. Helle actually hoped they would understand what she was trying to say. She was not taking the lead position to boss them around or try to play puppet master for shits and giggles. No. The head bitch in charge just wants to maintain a level of harmony whilst sitting on the throne. She is more than ready to accept the responsibility of Alpha and would execute it flawlessly.


      light up the world as i fall asleep

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    Messages In This Thread
    protesting in your paper crown; ahem, ladies - by Helleborn - 07-19-2016, 08:38 PM

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