07-17-2016, 10:32 PM
Son of Archam X Morigan
The appaloosa sighed with relief when the dappled mare spoke, she even gave a joke after that encounter. A small chuckle escaped his mouth relieved that everything turned out alright, well at least he thought. The mare did not move, probably from the shock, she just layed there like a kitten waiting to be pet. She announced she couldn't get up and he stepped forward gently nudging her shoulder, although his head quickly glanced to the left at the sound of thundering hooves.Anther approached, it was a roan mare, as she drew near he was quick to pick out the Falls scent. He spent little time in the Kingdom but was preparing to be a warrior like his father was, he grew curious to her position in the kingdom but now was not the time to learn about her. The roan mare inquired about her injuries in which the dapple replied as they were all on her rump. She was laying down still so he could not access the scene, there could be bone visible but they wont know until she lifts herself from the ground.
He glanced back at the roan who reared up in an attempt to stomp the cougar who moved under the dapple mare, although she missed. She sorta looked funny doing it and than missing but he said nothing. Finally the dapple mare lifted herself from the ground, he moved closer standing side by side now, allowing there pelts to brush against each other offering support for the dapple mare. He thought about the healing waters the Falls offers but the roan mentioned it first. She looked to him with a question about the waters, how long has she been apart of the Falls that she did not know of there healing water? He gave a dip of his head to the roan and looked for the dapples gaze Yes, we have healing waters in the Falls. Please come back with us so we can heal you.I'm Andras by the way He knew that now was not the time for introductions but he felt rude not introducing himself. It was only proper to give a lady your name after all. He hoped that she would allow them to escort her to the kingdom, dip her body into the water to heal her wounds, she would be free to stay in the kingdom or do as she pleases after that.
Let Go Of The Thoughts That Don't Make You Strong