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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura


    Just like fire burning out the
    way, if I can light the world
    up for just one day...
    Look, don’t mind Loony. She can be a bit of a drama queen. Yeah, we were born in blood and magic and that’s cool and all, but the important part? Not the blood, not the magic. The important part of this whole picture is the fact that we are finally, finally born. Or in bodies, whatever. Mine’s pretty sweet, all fluffy white and innocent looking except for an extra little glint in my eyes. Eyes that are green like Papa’s, which I mean. Perfect, right?

    First thing, cuddles. Daddy, Papa, yes, all very important, and I give them each a quick nudge and a kiss and that’s great. But Uncle. Where’s my damn uncle? I came all this way (well, okay, so maybe he and Grandma had kind of a lot to do with that, but hush) and I am going to get a cuddle from my favorite uncle. Well, my only uncle that I know so far, but this one’s my favorite anyhow.

    And he’s going to be a lot of fun.

    When I finally spot him, all wrapped up in my auntie and my cousin, I bound on over and snuggle into his chest, and damn but this body doesn’t seem to have a purr function. Well. That’s okay, I guess. I rub against him like a kitten begging for attention, eyes closed and smiling because I’ve got so much to be smiling about.

    Tycho reaches out his super pretty pinkish-purplish-reddish face to sniff at me, and I kiss him right on his nose, making him snort and shake his head and take a step back, his lovely light blue forelock falling over his eyes as he evades me. Ha, silly Tycho. You’re so cute when you run away. That’s okay, I’ll win you over yet.

    Auntie Ryss nudges me gently, and there’s sass and love in her dark brown eyes that make me think she’s gonna be fun too. I grin up at her, then bound off back to my dads and my sisters and dive under Daddy’s very tall chest and peek out between his front legs. His hair’s long and flowy and kinda tangly and fantastic, and also extremely tempting, so I nibble at it just a little bit.

    Then Fury is finally on her feet, and I grin at her, my body wiggling with anticipation. The second her mismatched eyes narrow, I’m off, darting back under Daddy and back around Uncle and Auntie and Tycho, Fury chasing after me. I loop around them, and she’s looking all distracted and not paying attention so I sneak up and nip her on the shoulder before taking off again as her teeth snap closed near me.


    I’m exhausted by the time we stop, my chest heaving and my heart racing, but the way Fury says Luna’s name like she just spotted a brand new target has me wriggling and gathering myself to pounce. I guess I get a little bit too excited, because just as I’m about to launch myself at her, a tricky little squeak escapes my throat, and before I know it Loony’s crashing into me and we’re tumbling to the ground.

    While I’m still flat on my ass--okay, fine, my side--the devious little minx noms my shoulder and charges for Fury. I scramble to my feet, and I’m about to chase after them when my tummy grumbles so loud! Startled, I turn to stare at it, spinning in a circle or two before I manage to stop myself. Oops. I think I’m hungry. I bounce over to Papa, nudge his flank, and peek under his belly. Nope. That’s not dinner. So I duck under him and try again with Daddy. Nope again.

    Well what the hell? I snort and nudge Daddy’s flank and turn to glare at him, but a chuckle from Grandma distracts me. “Over here, love,” she murmurs in that lovely deep voice of hers, all rich and dark and full of story and song. I love her voice, it’s my favorite thing. Well. One of a lot of my favorite things, but it’s pretty up there.

    “Grandma!” My eyes light up and I hop over to my shiny pretty splashy yellow and white grandma who is the bestest grandma and I rub up against her leg and rub my face on her chest. She tucks me into a hug under her chin and if I could purr I would, but since I can’t, I just make a happy little humming sound. Then she nudges me gently and nods toward her flank, and I remember the grumbling in my belly. “Oh yeah! Thanks!” I bump my nose against her shoulder and then it is dinner time!

    With a soft little whickering sound, Grandma calls my sisters over too, so they can fill their bellies once they run out of energy. Shouldn’t take long, we’re still itty bitty new. When mine’s all filled up I give Grandma a thank you kiss on her pretty yellow cheek and curl up on the ground in the middle of all the love and nonsense. Safe and sound and surrounded by my family. I was planning to not sleep for at least a year after getting born, but my body has other ideas, and with a great big yawn I fall fast asleep.

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    RE: birthing - by Pazuzu - 07-19-2016, 04:59 PM

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