Zaravich made the hike from the Dale to the field, she was looking to recruit more members. Unfortuanetly for her the blue skies turned grey by the time she got there, and they only got darker as she neared the field. The wind grew strong, buzzing past her ear, lifting her mane off her neck. She gave a snort and looked around the field, many horses ran looking for shelter for the night. Although one stood there ground, her ebony pelted matched Zaras.
She gazed at her curious to why she was not heading home, and it dawned on her perhaps the mare did not have a home. She gave a small nicker and loped over towards the mare, sliding to a halt before her. It is about to storm she announced looking at the sky, not that she needed to announce it. Anyone could look around and tell it was about to downpour, maybe even lightning. I am Zaravich from the Dale, come back with me to my kingdom. You don't have to stay, you will be safe until the storm passes. She was truly kind at heart, she only wanted to offer the mare protection for the night. Of course the Dale could use the addition to the kingdom, but there was no pressure for her to stay forever.