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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura


    Fitting into a body was hard work. It had felt weird being stuck into such a shape when I had been so fluid before. If I didn't want to be a horse, I didn't have to be, I could be a dragon with Grandma or a wolf with Dara. But that was in the other life, the veil between the worlds where we had been created and developed. Where Halo had gotten her fiery personality and Luna that quiet, I will kill you look. My sisters, my wonderful bratty sisters.

    We were finally physical. We could run and tag and play and be absolutely rotten to each other when our Daddy and Papa weren't looking. My soul soared with happiness even as it felt tight and constricted with the body. I laid there, a little bit longer perhaps than my sisters. Halo was already off and running, which did not surprise me one damn second. Whoops...sorry Papa. Luna was curled up like a cat, cuddling against Papa and.....

    "Daddy you're huge." I say with a smile, blinking my blurry eyes up at him. So many sensations in these little bodies and I hadn't even gotten to my feet yet. I still felt constricted but I was settling, slowly but surely.

    Dara was there cuddling me telling me about my pretty red and I can only smile, feeling the rest of me settle into place with a small gasp. "Oh." I say, and then I smile, lipping her mane before Daddy is there. I curl into his touch, closing my eyes at the contact and the heat and the warmth and the love.

    I surge to my feet after a moment, willing and ready to be up, to move and to chase after Halo who is practically daring me too anyhow. I narrow my eyes at her, mismatched with silver and jungle green, before I charge after her. I squeeze under Daddy, stumbling and staggering until I get the idea of it and then we are running around.

    I get distracted with the sensation of it, the way the breeze curls through my mane, the way I feel almost like I am flying. Until Halo is there again, biting my shoulder lightly to remind me we are playing and I am not supposed to get lost like that when we are playing. I can only roll my eyes at the silent rebuttal before I clack my teeth close to her. Then we are off again and I chase her until we are both heaving. "Luna." I say between heaves, grinning a wicked little grin and nodding in her direction. She had been perfectly quiet and content against Papa.

    Time to change that.

    Papa watches us come, and almost rolls his eyes but I can tell he's too happy too. He is enjoying this too much, reveling in this sense of family and love. But he doesn't stop us either.
    Know the water's sweet but blood is thicker.

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    RE: birthing - by Furia - 07-11-2016, 01:14 PM
    RE: birthing - by Lunasol - 07-13-2016, 11:55 AM
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    RE: birthing - by Furia - 07-19-2016, 04:45 PM
    RE: birthing - by Pazuzu - 07-19-2016, 04:59 PM

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