The time had passed too quickly, the seconds fell away to minutes, hours to days. Soon enough those days added to months until about a year had passed. During that time Nikita had proven to be a brilliant mother. He had watched her raise Siba into a bright and curious yearling. Nymph had grown fond of Nikita, her insight on the happenings within Beqanna, and the little personally ticks she noticed in Siba had easily become recognizable as unique to her. He cared for her, she had allowed him something that he had been denied before and too wounded to ask for it until then. He didn't know how much longer Nikita would stay in Chamber but he wished to make the best of it.
The Chamber was in a state of change, his recent promotion, 2 new students to train, the loss of Arthas, Gates no longer being an ally, and the drama with Dacia and Lupei all meant that he had spent more time away working than he had with them. He was greatful for the time that had been made available none the less. He had just come from the Kingdom meeting, which Nikita had not been allowed to come due to her temporary status here. The blood bay rounded the corner to their own little corner of Chamber's forest only to see Siba and Nikita fly by in what appeared to be a foot race. A laugh escaped his throat, as he called to both of them, "I like to think she gets it from me!" The necromancer was made for speed, so he took the opportunity to boast about his traits in the filly. "Been dragging your mother around all morning, Siba?" He threw a wink to Nikita, figuring she would understand the jest.
Like a thorn to the Holy Ones