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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    all my friends are heathens [any and all]

    i am the sword in the darkness
    Vaughan was not much for recruiting - he had never really had to do it before but the Tundra had recently made changes and women were now welcomed with open arms. Most men didn't seek the field for a home, be it out of pride or simply just never occurred to them. Personally, he found it rather odd to see a stallion galavanting as someone tried to sway them to their home; isn't that what they call prostitution in some states? Regardless, he thought perhaps his visit with his sister could be work too so into the fields he went.

    He watches as he sees a familiar (though very vague, we was so young) woman approach a mare with a stallion. The Falls and the Jungle, he sense but he wouldn't know for certain until he joined them. He is nearly to his peak in life, hovering around four he's finally filled out, his muscles formed and tried within the Tundra's army. He is nothing special, no wings or fancy decorums - spare a battle scar or 'ear' rather that hangs lopsided against his head. He catches the tail end of their conversations, the mare's name and the Fall's member - he already knew Lagertha's. "I'm Vaughan and I'm on my way back home to the Tundra. Lagertha, nice to see you not wrecking havoc on the Chamber," he chuckles, although he doesn't mean it ill-intended he's heard that the Iron Lady isn't much for jokes. He likes to live on the edge, you could say. "Odezsa, I'm here to provide a third option because to be quite frank these both sound a little extreme don't they? Go to a herd, have children year after year, no purpose and always pining for affection or go be with the Amazons and stew on everything, have a sisterhood but feel guilty for wanting the company of a man. The Tundra has recently undergone changes; we are welcoming women to both our homes and ranks," he says, though still unsure of all the inner workings that Offspring has in mind, "now it is cold but I am sure you'll have no problems finding warmth." He coyly smiles, glancing both at Odeza and Lagertha - perhaps his last smile if he kept toying with the Queen.

    He doesn't address Archam, perhaps it was rude not to but Vaughan was not over the fact his sister had disappeared on the Falls watch. The Iron Lady wasn't the only one to keep grudges, she simply stated hers aloud where he kept his under lock and key.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: all my friends are heathens [any and all] - by vaughan - 07-06-2016, 06:49 PM

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