She lifted her head and stared out over the land that was now her new home "its amazing i will try and love it more then you" moving her head she nudged the stallion and giggled while trotting around swishing her bobbed tail around happily.
Moving closer to him, she nibbled his neck whispered in his ear "If only i had a foal to enjoy these new lands with" trotting around him she moved to the creek to bend her long neck down and take drink of the cold water, she could feel as it trickled down her throat giving her the shivers when it left into her belly. Lifting her head from the water droplets dripped from her mouth and down to the creek where it pinged of the water only to return back again.
Moving closer to him, she nibbled his neck whispered in his ear "If only i had a foal to enjoy these new lands with" trotting around him she moved to the creek to bend her long neck down and take drink of the cold water, she could feel as it trickled down her throat giving her the shivers when it left into her belly. Lifting her head from the water droplets dripped from her mouth and down to the creek where it pinged of the water only to return back again.