07-05-2016, 09:29 PM
His eyes follow her as she moves forward, pressing her muzzle against him. He takes the moment to breath in the aroma she sends off, a rather pleasent one comparatively to the herd equines. She spoke and than drew silent, caught up in her own thoughts. He gently curled his lips into a smile, she was rather cute when distracted by her own thoughts.
After a few moments of silence the mare speaks up again, this time she goes on a tangent in response to finding a kingdom. Truly he found her interesting, something worth getting up every day and working hard towards. Finding a kingdom together might just prove to be worthy, something he would prefer, a chance to bug her everyday. He grins thinking about the chance to find a kingdom together. His own thoughts were interrupted and she was still talking, about how she wasn't a romancer and she wasn't going to be tied down to him.
He cocked his eye and gave a hearty laugh Don't flatter yourself; no one said anything about romance he gently nipped her on her neck stepping closer Although I am certainly up to raise hell with you. He moved closer brushing his body against her, walking a full circle, contact never breaking. Are you interested in any specific kingdom? He asked pushing for an answer, depending on the kingdom she chose it could prove to be quite the travel until they got to the lands.
After a few moments of silence the mare speaks up again, this time she goes on a tangent in response to finding a kingdom. Truly he found her interesting, something worth getting up every day and working hard towards. Finding a kingdom together might just prove to be worthy, something he would prefer, a chance to bug her everyday. He grins thinking about the chance to find a kingdom together. His own thoughts were interrupted and she was still talking, about how she wasn't a romancer and she wasn't going to be tied down to him.
He cocked his eye and gave a hearty laugh Don't flatter yourself; no one said anything about romance he gently nipped her on her neck stepping closer Although I am certainly up to raise hell with you. He moved closer brushing his body against her, walking a full circle, contact never breaking. Are you interested in any specific kingdom? He asked pushing for an answer, depending on the kingdom she chose it could prove to be quite the travel until they got to the lands.
im as free as the wind and birds that soar in it