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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    brothers, sisters, let me be your shelter || MANDATORY KINGDOM MEETING [ALL]
    i was born in the arms of imaginary friends,
    free to roam; made a home out of everywhere i've been.

    The deep vocals of the king reach her delicate ears. The young mare had been off, watching the clouds float by and listen to the sounds of the melting snow. Often Mari could be found day dreaming or watching the other horses as they went about their lives. She has not known any other life, has never known fear. But the urgency of her father's call sends her limbs pulling and moving her.

    When the girl had finally neared close enough to where her father stood there was already a gathering of horses. While off on her own exploring, she had been a pure blinding white so she may blend with the surroundings of the northern parts of the Tundra but now as she is stepping to the gathering her coat gives way to the palomino of her birth right like a reptile shedding it's skin.

    Pale blue eyes look to the faces of the members but she only recognizes her little sister. A smile, wide and genuine, is on her lips as she greets each horse politely. "Hello, hello..." The small words greet the faces she did not know including the small foal by the gray man.

    Lastly, the the azure pools rest upon her father. The honey muzzle is extended to the great ice king, bumping against him. "Hi daddy." Still, Offspring is massive next to his almost grown daughter. She smile big and wide for him, her movements vibrating her body as she wiggles ever so slightly. He is her father, her knight and shining armor and she has never forgot the day he plucked a mud covered foal from the Den and opened his home and heart to her.

    Mari moves so she does not take away from the great man's presence and side steps so that she does not block him from the kingdom. Lobes train forward eager to listen to him.

    When he speaks of opening the ranks to men and women alike, Mari can not help but make a small -eep- noise and she wiggles again out of excitement. She could finally join the ranks and make her father proud! Mari tries to calm herself, biting back the eagerness she feels. She knows to be quiet and listen. When Offspring has finished the others start to talk and so she remains quiet. It is not till he has spoken with all the other horses does the golden girl near her father with her own question. "Daddy, I want to help. I want to be a diplomat." She says this as sternly as her soft voice will allow her. Offspring could tell her no and shoo her away but Mari wants to contribute...to give back to the man who has done so much for her already.


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    RE: brothers, sisters, let me be your shelter || MANDATORY KINGDOM MEETING [ALL] - by Maribel - 07-04-2016, 05:29 PM

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