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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Seeking An Alliance
    With my speechless calm eyes,
    nothing is coming to rise.

    His own story was quite the opposite of brindle mare’s. He was active in both castes and he had truly intended to put more effort in the war caste than the peace one, but in the end he clearly had been more of a diplomat than a warrior. The graying male had his reasons for it, but even those hadn’t been enough to make him a good warrior. He still tried though, because Brynmor wanted to give his all to the Tundra. The only ones that could rival his love for the Tundra were Roan and their daughter

    Over the years he had grown in his diplomatic role and his promotion to not only an ambassador, but also the king’s right-hand, was his most recent achievement. It also meant that he was Offspring’s second in command, meaning he would temporary lead the Tundra if Offspring was unable to. Brynmor had grown to like the black ice king and their friendship went beyond the bond of the brotherhood. He was as much loyal to Offspring as he was to the Tundra. Although he had to admit that his red eyed friend had surprised him with the announced changes that the Tundra would soon go through.

    Even though the spring had already set in, the Tundra’s grounds were still covered with a layer of snow. The snow would only disappear for a brief time during the summer and because of that his coat was still thick and fuzzy. Today was one of those rare days with a lot of sun and Brynmor enjoyed the warmth that shone upon his back. He had grown to enjoy the snow, he had adapted to it, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy some of the delights of the summer.

    And that was exactly what he was doing. His newly gained wings were folded at his sides as he stood there snoozing. With his promotion to ambassador and right-hand he had had to give up his invisibility and accept these kingdom granted wings. At first Brynmor had thought it was a pity, because it had taken him quite a while to gain full control over the invisibility, but he understood Offspring’s reasoning. Wings to be able to move around faster would be a more fitted trait for a high ranked diplomat than invisibility, for he didn’t need to sneak.

    It are those same wings that carry him towards her, the stranger that had crossed their border and had wandered in without a notice. Brynmor always disliked it when that happened, because their ice wall – which protected their entire southern border – was not that hard to miss. And it demanded everybody who passed through the small opening realise that it wasn’t there for nothing. The brindled mare didn’t seem to care about border, nor respecting them.

    He was already close when she reared and finally decided to make her presence known. He wouldn’t have been a good diplomat if he hadn’t noticed her arrival prior to that already, after all, he was known for lurking at the border. From above he circles around her, before deciding to decent. Landing was still somewhat difficult for him – he didn’t have much practise yet – but he managed to do it somewhat gracefully. Brynmor knows that she would’ve already noticed him coming, the sound of his wings and the soft thud of his landing would’ve been enough to tell her that. So he doesn’t speak up, only watching her for a second.

    Brynmor doesn’t dip his head in a silent greeting, but his blue eyes study her intensely. It is clear she wasn’t a lost soul that had come to the Tundra to seek a shelter and a home, no, she was here with a different purpose. ”I’d welcome you to the Tundra, if you hadn’t already decided to disrespect our borders. Please do respect them, and us, if you’ll visit us in the future, we would highly appreciate that.” Although his words are a bit harsh, his tone isn’t unfriendly and neither is his posture aggressive. She’s taller than him – but who isn’t? – but she doesn’t give off the air of a threat, like the stranger Raelynx had had. After ruffling his wings slightly he folds them at his side, but all without taking his gaze off her.

    But then a small smile breaks through, hoping that would clear the somewhat tense atmosphere. She couldn’t blame him for it though, for all he knew she could’ve been a threat that had wandered in to harm them. ”I’m Brynmor. What can I help you with today? I assume you didn’t come here to have a simple chitchat?” He had always been direct, but in these past few years the gray male had learned to be direct without coming off too unfriendly. Both his posture and tune had changed for that, but it was for the better. After all, he was more a diplomat than a warrior.


    OOC: Sorry otl, I got a but too enthusiastic on this one. The lenght got a liiiiiittle out of hand xD.

    Messages In This Thread
    Seeking An Alliance - by Raxa - 07-03-2016, 03:09 PM
    RE: Seeking An Alliance - by Brynmor - 07-04-2016, 11:06 AM
    RE: Seeking An Alliance - by Raxa - 07-04-2016, 05:02 PM
    RE: Seeking An Alliance - by Kreios - 07-07-2016, 12:32 PM
    RE: Seeking An Alliance - by Offspring - 07-07-2016, 12:59 PM
    RE: Seeking An Alliance - by Raxa - 07-11-2016, 01:40 AM
    RE: Seeking An Alliance - by Offspring - 08-06-2016, 06:08 PM

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