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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Grumblequest: let's get ready to grumble (now with Q&A)

    When a sinister person means to be your enemy, they always start by trying to become your friend
    Perhaps I knew better than anyone that appearances were not always what they seemed. So when the very tiny man walked in and eyed me, I could see the darkness in his eyes. A tingle worked its way down my spine. This was not going to be good, not good at all. I struggled against the invisible restraints but I couldn't move. There wasn't anything I could do, nothing I could move. This tiny little man was someone powerful and from the sounds in the room down the hall, nothing good would be coming from his direction.

    He moves around me, taking in all my strengths and weaknesses. I can guess from the calculating look in his eyes he's not entirely sure whether he did a good thing grabbing me from my home or not. This makes something inside me turn hard, turns something in me stubborn and determined. I have yearned for the approval from my Grandfather, only receiving some because I had wings. But there were so many other of his children and grandchildren that I was really nothing special. Perhaps to my Mom, but to the rest of them....No, I was just another Coveling.

    So when my face lowers without my leave it sends fear coursing through my blood, but also something else, some type of resolve. I was not leaving here until he was done with me and I was going to have to struggle and live through whatever happened. His hands are on my face, my neck, and his grin sends another cold streak of fear through me, that band around my stomach going tighter and tighter. Fear made the food in my belly actually curdle. I felt like I was going to be sick.

    Too soon, he is putting this thing on my face. He has to struggle a little to get it underneath my ears that were buried in my mane or so I think. But in reality all he does is move them himself and settled the halter around my ears and settles it across the bones in my face. He clips it and I feel myself settle into a deep calm. It's not even something I question. I'm so grateful for the feeling it gives me after living in fear for the past 24 hours that I don't think. I just do. I follow him, languidly and barely see the other's in the stalls see as I walk by them. Glimpses of them, a flash of fear, the rolling of eyes, some were angry, with teeth bared. And all of them seemed to say the same thing, but I couldn't make it out.

    We cross through the door. The dreaded door that was the source of the screams and torture and pain. I still think nothing of it. Think nothing of it at all as he maneuvers me in the middle of the room.

    Fire curls along his fingers and then when his hand touches my skin, I scream. Flames lick my shoulder where he had touched me. I had jerked away from the pain, tried to get it off me, tried to make it stop but nothing was working and something in me wouldn't let me get near Grumbles to hurt him and make it stop. So I scream until my vocal cords tear, until the fire swallows me whole and I know I will die here. I can smell my own flesh burning, feel nothing but the fire on my skin. Nothing stops it. And then, then I can't feel anything.

    I might have blacked out for a second. When I open my eyes I'm standing in the center of the room again, whole and unscathed. There is nothing to mark what I had just went through and I could only look at Grumble with some odd mix of fear and awe in my eyes.

    The magic he could wield would be enough for anyone to want power over.

    And then there are fingers running across my back, my skin, but when I turn to look there is nothing. Pain! It flashes hot as cuts open up my flesh and my blood pours of out them. Thousands of them it feels like, this pain is different, sharper than the constant burning of the fire. I scream, of course I scream. I feel the fingers along my flesh, and then under it as he peels my fur off my muscles. My blood drips onto the ground, and then it pours as he rips off my purple and magenta colored pelt. I can see the muscles and tendons under my skin. I can see my bones once he starts to take them off, one by one and piece by piece.

    My vocal cords are raw by now and I can do nothing more than scream silently when he rips my wings from my body. I sway, falling to my knees before I am jerked back upwards. He wasn't done. Some how I am still conscience and so damn relieved when the pain stops, even if it means that for a moment I am nothing more than a skeleton standing before him. A snap of his fingers and I am back together.

    But then it starts all over again. He freezes the blood in my veins. He breaks my bones. He takes my brain from my skull and dissects it with precision. He takes the feathers from my wings, one by one. This seems to go on for hours as he does all different kinds of torture on my physical body.

    Once he is satisfied with that he moves on to something worse.

    I jerk away, home once again and can only feel relief. "Momma!" I call, my hooves quickly moving, taking me back to the last place I had seen her. The nightmare I had just had had been horrible. I needed her to tuck me into that safe place she has under her wings and up against her side. I needed to be near her, to smell her and touch her. I needed her to wash the memories from my skin, from my mind.

    It's on the bottom of a sand dune that I hear the angry cries. My ears flicker and I am dashing up the sand with a quickness only known to those that grow here. I use my wings for leverage, giving myself an extra boost. When I can see over the top, Momma is surrounded and so is Grandfather. The rest of the herd is laying on the ground, unmoving and with blood every where. My eyes are wide and I want to run, but Momma sees me. "Chaol!" She cries and a wolf-like creature grabs a hold of her wing, yanking it. "Momma!" The fear that had frozen me is released and I surge forwards. My teeth grab one of the wolf creatures by his ear and I distract him long enough that Momma takes another one out with a sharp blow to the head.

    I make my way to her side, using my hooves and teeth to protect her as much as I could in my young age. I am loosing, claw and teeth marks cover my body and hers. Our blood is pouring on the ground. I slip on the blood, falling beneath the wolves and I hear my mother's voice calling my name faintly before I fell nothing more than my flesh being torn from my body....Then nothing.

    I open my eyes, still in that room and tears fall from my eyes. "No more...please no more." I say but I have no idea if he can understand me. My body trembles, my mind is weak and I want to break. I would do anything, absolutely anything to make him stop right now. "Please stop, I'll do whatever you want."

    Only now do I realize that the horses outside had told me. "RUN! FIGHT!" Didn't they realize how futile it was? My head falls down, hanging almost to the ground as I wait for the next torture that he would imagine up for me.
    c h a o l

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    RE: Grumblequest: let's get ready to grumble (now with Q&A) - by Chaol - 07-04-2016, 08:12 AM

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