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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura


    Screaming like a siren, alive and burning brighter.
    When I woke today, it was from dreams of my granddaughters. The light in their eyes, the eager impatience, and the absolute knowledge that tonight is the night. For once, no shadows lingered on the edges of those dreams, my spirit walking in peace with a trio of little starlights about to become incarnate. I've spent months with them strengthening the bonds between us until I could reach them from the edges of the universe if I had to. Oh, that will change. They'll anchor to their bodies soon enough, and by necessity the cords connecting them to me will weaken. But the path between my soul and theirs will be clearer, brighter, easier to traverse for all our time together.

    I have meditated, fasted, cleansed my body and my soul for this ritual, and now that the day is finally here, peace radiates out from my chest. I spent the entire day preparing, and now that night has fallen I stand beside my newest son ready to bring our family's newest daughters into the world. Pazuzu is understandably nervous, though he hides it well when he tries. “Ready?” he asks as the moon hangs high overhead, and I nod. I've been ready for months. This is the night.

    I draw in a deep breath and gather my power to myself, checking my bonds to each of those three lovely souls coming into the world tonight. Ready, girls? Of course they are. They've been ready almost from the moment their fathers set eyes on each other again, eager to make their way into our lives and our hearts. Months of planning, of waiting, of feeling the right moment slowly drawing nearer. Now it's finally here.

    I see the flash of red in Pazuzu's eyes and reach out a tendril of my not-quite-magic to him, doing what I can to anchor him as well. Peace, son. You can do this. We can do this. Still, it is his struggle to endure, his demons to overcome. And this is only the beginning.

    He turns his attention to me, and I lower my defenses as best I can. They are such an inherent part of me now, I built them up so high, but the need is far greater in this case than any fears I have of my mind being touched. And he is family now. So I reach out, meeting his magic and his darkness with my own unique gifts, and I can feel the dramatic impact my presence has on the weight and texture and feel of the magic being wrought. It is like a new sense opening up, almost like when I woke to my power. This, though, this is a borrowed sense, access to a magic not my own. A fascinating glimpse into another world.

    God, it's lovely. Dark and light blending so intricately, time an intriguing tapestry being continuously woven and unwoven by invisible hands. The very nature of the universe, from its entire scope down to the quantum level, all a thought away. Even reaching out to touch other planes, other worlds, other realities, how utterly fascinating. Kin to my power and yet completely different. Well. Fascinating for a moment, for an hour. To live in it? I don't think I would want all of this swimming in my head all the time. Perhaps, like with my gifts, his magic comes with an ability to tune out the extra frequencies, to quiet all the added noise and coax it into slumber. Either way, I do not envy him the burden he must live with.


    While I have been distracted by the newness of seeing through magic eyes, he has been hard at work spinning bodies for our girls out of the ether, out of magic and the fabric of time itself, coaxing their minds, bodies, spirits to come and play. Belatedly, I add my own spin to each of those aspects, deepening the texture and flavor and color of each ingredient. Still, it isn't quite tangible, isn't quite solid. Needs something...“The elements,” I murmur, seeing patterns in the tapestry, strings that need tugging. Earth, Air, Fire, Water, all need incorporating into their bodies. The measures will balance themselves, and I ease into the working to connect to Spirit woven into their bodies, to begin the anchoring of their souls. So that the proper balance for each can find its way into the working, and the rest can be grounded or released.

    Fire, that I know all too well, and I recognize the struggle against its destructive force. Of its own accord, a piece of the fire in me flows into the magic we're weaving, adding sunlight to the already raging inferno. But this fire is warmth, it's passion, it's heat and vitality and the infinite dance of sunlight along the surface of the earth. This fire is love that burns deeper than any inferno, and as I channel toward him the beauty of fire, I remind him of his own. “Ryss.”

    One word, a name that has become the name of god to the one who loves her more than anything in this world or any other. And it is enough. He speaks, and the with his words he invokes that bright firelight into their still-forming bodies. I smile and reach for air, an element normally beyond my grasp. Again, I coax the positive aspects to the fore, dreams and visions, meditation and contemplation, travel and study and a connectedness that extends beyond comprehension. The air these girls will breathe has been a part of so many others, an intricate exchange of atoms and molecules between organisms utterly unaware of the intimacy of every single breath they take.

    Then it is earth's turn, and I see the mountain my son has become, towering and steadfast and stubborn as hell, stable now despite all the chaos that has roared around him. The volcano sleeps, and he is so much stronger than he has ever been before. Oh, but that is not all earth is. Earth is growth and flourishing; earth is a home that wraps itself around you and reminds you that you are not alone. Earth nourishes and sustains the vast variety of life it hosts. I weave the complex nature of earth into the working, smiling as it surges up through me to answer my call.

    Okay, so maybe it'd be a heavy burden to bear, but this is damn fun.

    Ah, and water's turn. The ebb and flow of tides, the gentle cleansing rain, the unforgiving flood, all aspects of this element that is so deeply called to the moon. The hidden depths of emotion, the mysteries hidden beneath the waves, the water that fills a womb and cradles new life as it grows. Water in every cell of our bodies, and the thirst for more that can be sated only by drinking deep of what the world has to offer.

    Such a complicated work of art, bringing this trio into the world, forming bodies out of nothing and everything. Pazuzu calls to the sun, the moon, and the shadows, and I can't help but coax starlight to join them and mingle in the twinkling of their eyes, the spark in their soul, the blood in their veins. An extra little bit of light to help guide them when the world feels dark. Each girl so different, and yet so very ours. I can already feel their souls reaching out toward those little bodies, feel the bonds forming between each and the others, and seeking out their fathers, their sister, their aunt and uncle and cousin. Soon.

    I feel Pazuzu's struggle to hold onto the magic, to keep it from turning dark and unleashing destruction on the world around us. So hard to hold on, now that it's so close to completion. Again, a name leaves my lips, almost of its own volition. “Tycho,” I remind him, and he sets his jaw and renews his grip on the magic. Meanwhile, I guide the girls' souls into the bodies they so desperately want to inhabit, anchoring each by an umbilical cord. Ties like these would normally have months to form, to grow strong and solid and stable. Instead, I coax them to speed forward, bonds glowing with the added energy and rushing to weave it into an anchor line home. They take their sweet time, and though I do all I can to speed the process, it is one they won't finish until it's done. “Blood and flesh,” Pazuzu reminds me, because of course they need help from their fathers.

    I catch Arzhur's eye and beckon him forward. While he approaches, I take on a dragon form smaller than my usual, more agile, so that when he stands in front of me I can touch my claws to his chest and carve out three pieces of flesh. I let his blood pool in my palms and then stem the flow before bringing his offering to his daughters. As one, their bodies rise to consume the flesh of their father, to lap up the blood until it is gone. They stand silently, waiting as I return to him and heal the wounds, leaving three little scars on his chest.

    When his turn is done, I beckon to my Drow. Ah, my boy who has become my dearest friend. H pause to stroke his face, pressing my forehead against his for a moment before repeating the ritual. Carving little bites of flesh from his chest, letting the blood fill my agile hands before I slow the flow to the barest of trickles. I carry Drow's offering to waiting mouths that eagerly devour what they are given. When they've licked my hands clean, I turn back to Drow to heal his wounds, giving the girls' bodies a chance to break down and assimilate their fathers' genetic material, to shape them into flesh of their fathers' flesh and blood of their blood.

    The magic flowing through me or the dragon shape I bear or a whisper from deep in my soul coaxes me to seal my son's wounds with my mouth, to lick them clean and erase every trace of the blood that flowed. Following instinct, I do so, feeling blood of my blood burn through me and sharpen the tie that binds us. I don't understand the impulse, but following my gut seems like the right choice in this moment. Mine. Ha. Maybe I've just been spending too much time with Tycho.

    By the time I turn back to the girls, they are deeply seated into their bodies and beginning to stir of their own accord instead of operating on magic and need. I nod to Pazuzu, who seals the working and releases it. He sways, and I am already reaching out with my healing magic to scan him, to offer support and strength where I can, when he cuts me off. Magic has a price. Of course it does. I nod my acceptance, deferring to his greater knowledge on the subject. “And good job yourself,” I add, grinning. It was fantastic, a fucking rush, and a fascinating glimpse into the workings of magic. And we brought Drow and Arzhur's girls into the world. Oh hell, speaking of.

    Hungry babies require feeding. Luckily for the boys, Ryss and I volunteered to be of service in that regard. When she's done holding her man, I'll help her body through the chemical changes necessary to do so. For the moment, I work on myself while Drow and Zurry and Dara welcome their new family members into the world and Ryss and Tycho help Pazuzu ground himself in the life he has made for himself and quiet the magic. By the time everyone is recovered and the triplets are done meeting their family, their first meal will be ready for them.
    I am the fire.

    Messages In This Thread
    birthing - by Pazuzu - 07-03-2016, 03:58 PM
    RE: birthing - by Quark - 07-03-2016, 08:31 PM
    RE: birthing - by Daeryssa - 07-04-2016, 07:29 AM
    RE: birthing - by Arzhur - 07-11-2016, 11:33 AM
    RE: birthing - by Drow - 07-11-2016, 12:35 PM
    RE: birthing - by Furia - 07-11-2016, 01:14 PM
    RE: birthing - by Lunasol - 07-13-2016, 11:55 AM
    RE: birthing - by Halora - 07-16-2016, 11:13 PM
    RE: birthing - by Furia - 07-19-2016, 04:45 PM
    RE: birthing - by Pazuzu - 07-19-2016, 04:59 PM

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