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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    So you can beat me black and blue - Any

    So you can throw me to the wolves,
    Tomorrow I will come back,
    Leader of the whole pack.

    Threads of thick, black hair fell down the sides of the mares neck, curling all the way through, and knotting the hairs together creating an impenetrable force of hair. The mares neck was thick and muscular. Two gorgeous black gem-like eyes stared out at the world from beneath a curtain of thick hair. Her legs, stocky, yet muscular, giving off the look power and strength. Her coat was a soft, fluffy looking black mess. Yet all these looks, all this strength she held, she had found herself incapable of keeping those she held dear safe. Her family had been lost to her, her friends missing. She was unsure if they lived or if they had found rest in the afterlife. She had fled those lands before she could find out. And since then she had walked alone, ashamed of what she had done. Fleeing instead of turning back and fighting, and because of such things she had become a determined fighter, and one who would protect others if in need.
    Her hooves drummed the soft ground as she made her way across the field, she had heard the warnings from others as she passed by them. The field was no place to go, not if she wanted to risk being force claimed. But honestly, the mare did not care anymore. Perhaps she deserved to live out the rest of her days miserable, to punish herself for leaving her family behind, her friends, her life. She would never dare speak the truth of what had happened back when she was barely 2 years old, but she would always blame herself for it. Spring was hanging in the air, and the season of new life was upon the lands, soon the land would be busy with curious little horses and ponies, some with traits out of a nightmare, other with traits from a dream, and others as normal as the day and night cycle.

    Carelessly the large mare lowered her head to the grass, the light of the sun rising above the horizon causing the droplets clinging to the grass to shimmer in the light of the morning sun. She would spend a day or two here before moving onward to either the meadow or the forest, whichever took to her fancy at the time. For now though she was curious what the fields might hold for her, and everyone knows that despite curiosity killing the cat, satisfaction always brought it back. Mezanix picked at the grass for a while, enjoying the rays of light as the sun climbed higher, and then she decided she had waited long enough. Raising her head her onyx eyes took in her surroundings, taking in all there was to see in silence, her ears pivoting back and forth as she listened to the wind and what it had to say. Nothing. There were a couple of harems of mares off to the distance grazing and bonding, but Mezanix found the thought of that oddly disgusting and preferred the solitary moment she spent in the middle of the field, but soon as the sun climbed higher, that would not be the case.
    The black mare let a whinny form and escape her maw, travelling across the field and to any ears that may be listening. She was ready to take a dip into a little social interaction, if she were to stay long though, well that was a whole other story.


    Messages In This Thread
    So you can beat me black and blue - Any - by Mezanix - 07-01-2016, 10:00 PM

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