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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Sweet Candy Pink {Kingdoms/Herds}

    Think sweets, think pink, think me!

    Why can’t I stop shaking? The itch of sweat and debris is annoying, making my muscle twitch, and my body squirm. I whip my tail, a slight sting to my rump, I sigh in relief, the panic releasing through the pain is more pleasure than any stallion could offer in this moment. I can stand to live in my skin for a few minutes longer. The sweet smell of grass and fresh air tickle my sensitive nostrils, if crawling from my skin was possible I would do so now. Standing here in the open, standing here in the sun, standing here I will my spirit into the dirt, take comfort in the pain I can lacerate my body with.

    Not for the first time am I jealous, jealous of my human self, the self that the fairies swept away and romanced with a prince. A prince that rejected my attentions… only to return here to a thrashing, and a jealous ghost of a lover. I cannot help but wish for a life that was other than my own. One child, one child that despised me enough to run off, one lover who is dead, one owner who had no use for my wiles. Am I angry? I cannot say, my heart beats a burning cloy that suffocates the air from my lungs. It takes all that I have just to make it through this moment. This moment of torture, this moment of need.

    The painted sky pains my eyes, I divert my gaze to other softer places, like the trees. My neck is low because gravity is too heavy for me to fight. I take a step then another, maybe a walk through a spring would do me some good. Bramble scratches my hide another relief, one that has tense muscles going limp with exhaustion. The state that I am in makes it easy for something in the air to tickle my nose I snort it out, the rush of air wet, and cold leaving the rims of my nostrils irritated. This too I relieve, the cool water runs over my nose and ankles, the sharp contrast of wet and dry pointing out every sensitive nerve in my body. I immerse myself, it pulls and tugs at my legs, but they stay steady with the strength that I am granted. Stepping to the other side after kicking through the depth, struggling for footing where there was none, my neck is the first to appear. Glimmering with the droplets of fresh water.

    A leaf sways, a snap alert me to another’s presence. I can live through this, the water dampened the fire in my lungs, and the spasms of my muscles. Ears flick forward intent on finding out who was there. Hello? My voice cracks with disuse. It is unfamiliar and sounds upon my ears as another soul was forming it.


    OOC: someone could probably groom her anger, and help her find some purpose in a kingdom... maybe

    Messages In This Thread
    Sweet Candy Pink {Kingdoms/Herds} - by Nixie - 06-30-2016, 04:47 PM
    RE: Sweet Candy Pink {Kingdoms/Herds} - by Archam - 07-05-2016, 04:15 PM
    RE: Sweet Candy Pink {Kingdoms/Herds} - by Nixie - 07-10-2016, 01:33 AM
    RE: Sweet Candy Pink {Kingdoms/Herds} - by Archam - 07-16-2016, 07:49 AM

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