Odezsa was not faced with the daunting task of trying to keep her mind under control for long. As the ants marched by her, hopefully to go home after a hard days work, her ears flickered towards the sound of hoofbeats, this time they were surely approaching her. A sweat-stained lady stood before her, and the silver mare's interests were immediately engaged. She briefly let her gaze ligner on the approacher's left thigh, her curiousity running rampant but her mouth remaining shut. It looked painful.
"Well, I suppose if they meant to harm me I'd have to kill them then, wouldn't I?" She mused back, glancing down at the ants before meeting the darker mare's gaze. "Lagertha, she allowed the name to roll off her tongue, lips curling into a half smile. "That's simply lovely."
She tucked her left knee in a bowing gesture, her lopsided grin now breaking into a full blown smile at the thought of company, of perhaps a friend. When asked for her name, Odezsa stood tall, stretching her withers as high as she could. Her dainty frame would never look anything but, however it never hurt to try.
"I'm Odezsa, I'm still learning these lands." Her attempt to sound falsely confident about how quickly she was learning was anything but convincing, but the glimmer in her eye made it difficult to tell her the jig was up. Her muzzle parted, prepared to speak again when her eyes darted to the side. A stallion had joined them, and not just any stallion, but a lead stallion at that.
Odezsa raised a brow, a bit confused by his statement. Was she to go with him without knowing anything about him or this Cobblestone Creek? Her body language shifted quickly, ears submissively lowered and her stance shrunk to appear small. Her mother had not paid much mind to the filly when she was growing up, but she had warned her how dangerous men could be. Of course, Odezsa wanted to believe no such thing. Surely everyone was good deep down. But her mother's warnings stayed buried in the back of her brain, so she always chose to play it safe.
She dipped her head back in Archam's direction. "Pleasure to meet you, sir." She made note of the name Cobblestone Creek, because any home is still a home, and there is safety in numbers. Besides, he seemed nice enough. Her thoughts drifted to Lagertha, where did she hail from? She didn't ask though, simply smiled and awaited to be spoken to.
the world is a beautiful place and I am no longer afraid to die.