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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The light that shines so bright - Chemdog

    The light that shines so bright

    She had yet to learn of her fate, of the trade that her mother had mate. Her firstborn daughter in exchange for her freedom. The freedom that her mother had gained from that trade, would take away Gyps’ once she would turn two. If she had known of her future she probably gladly would’ve taken the chance that was now offered to her, but instead the young girl only desires to go home. To go back to the Golden Plains where her parents – Phaedrus and Besra – are. Gyps longs for them, to safely hide underneath her father’s black wing and to have her mother’s gentle nose calming her nerves. But they aren’t here to comfort her, and instead a black and white stallion is.

    She hiccups as she looks up at him, eyes sparking because of the tears and fear clearly evident. It was her first time meeting another male, the only males in her life were her father Phaedrus and her sibling Wolfish, who was of the same age as she was. Then there was Sin Killer too, but a young colt couldn’t be compared to a man. Gyps swallows the dry lump in her throat as she looks up to him. To her it seemed like he had come out of nowhere, suddenly so close since she hadn’t noticed him approaching. It causes her to step backwards, hesitant, while she shakes her head to say now.

    ”I… I don’t.. I really don’t..” she mumbles, casting her gaze down both due to the sudden shyness as well as the shame she feels right now. It had been stupid of her to wander off alone like this, without even telling her mother where she was going. Besra might nog even know that she had left the Plains, so how would she know that her daughter was missing and lost? The sole thought of that – and the realisation of how stupid she had been – causes a new set of sobs.

    His words surprise her and just as quickly as her tears had come, they stop. Gyps had jerked her head up a little, to look at him. Had she really heard that right? Did he really say he would help her? ”Really? Would you really take me home?” she asks, voice hesitant and soft, but at the same time clearly more hopeful. She pulls her wings tighter against her body when his head lowers and she look at him from her eye level. ”Gyps” she answers, blinking a few times as she carefully studies his black and white face. ”And you? What’s your name?”


    Phaedrus x Besra

    OOC: Do you want me to tag you? If so, I'll start doing that. But I would prefer it if you won't tag me, I really hate those annoying 'you've been tagged' messages  Angel

    OOC2: Just to be clear.. Gyps doens't know of Archam yet, neither has she met him. She'll have to go to him when she turns 2. I want her to go home somehow, but I would love to find a way to have Chem involved in the drama with Archam. Gyps will be so angry when she learns she has been promised to another, to have her freedom taken away, and she'll start looking down on those non-traited. She'll give Archam a hard time, and maybe Chem could jump in there somewhere?


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    RE: The light that shines so bright - Chemdog - by Gyps - 06-18-2016, 02:19 PM

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