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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Take my heart; Gyps

    The light that shines so bright

    In contrast to what he thought of as normal, Gyps had whole different thoughts. She was born in a herd with traited horses. Like her winged and blue haired father. Then there was her mother, who didn’t show any traits but had blue hair. And, of course, there also were a few without something ‘special’, but in general it was normal for Gyps to see traits. But she was just as accustomed to the sight of horses that weren’t traited. That her new found playmate didn’t seem to have a trait didn’t matter, he wasn’t less because of it. Little did the little blue and black girl now know that her view on that matter would change. Rather soon too.

    She simply was too excited to go through the formal process of politely greeting each other. Not to forget to mention to introduce yourself first and ask about the other’s wellbeing. Gyps just wasn’t interest in that right now, all she wanted was to play. She could always get to know the red roan colt later on, right? It was not like they would purposely harm each other.

    Her wings were now folded against her sides, knowing that speeding up would only be harder if she spread them out. The resistance would slow her down and that meant that the colt would be able to easy catch up, and that wasn’t really the purpose of their tag game. Gyps had set off to run around a small lake, but before she could start circling he’s besides her. His muzzle bumps into her side, sending an electric shock through her dark body and then he’s gone. ”Yah!” she exclaims playfully, almost like she feels wronged, before she slows to turn around again.

    He is in advantage, as he had been able to turn around much quicker. He had known that he was able to touch her and he would’ve been prepared to dash away from her side again. To Gyps the tag had come as a surprise, making her reaction to turn around and start chasing the colt much slower. Yet she did have something she could use in her own advantage. She whinnies loudly as she spreads her wings, feeling the air underneath them before her hooves leave the ground. Dipping her left wing she turns herself around easily. It is a few meters further when she lands again, hooves digging in the ground as Gyps tucks her wings again. She wouldn’t use her wings to fly long distances, that would be utterly unfair, but just as they slowed her down for a little bit, they also made her more agile.

    But the first thing she sees is the colt sprawled out on the ground, staring up at the blue sky. She cannot help but to blink confused and as she tilts her head a bit to the side – slowing down in the process – she snorts to release some tension. ”You’re okay?” she hesitantly and carefully asks, dipping her head slightly as she trots closer to him.

    When he keeps laying down she slows down even further and the excited twinkle had disappeared and made room for concern. ”Did you hurt yourself?” her voice is even softer than before, both confused and concerned because of his sudden strange behaviour. Slowly Gyps steps forward, muzzle lowered and ready to reach out to gently brush her muzzle across his shoulder.


    Phaedrus x Besra

    OOC: Do you prefer it if I tag you in my posts? If so I'll start doing that from now on ^^. I prefer if you wouldn't, I find the messages rather annoying and tend to stalk my threads anyway Tongue.

    Messages In This Thread
    Take my heart; Gyps - by Sin Killer - 06-15-2016, 09:21 PM
    RE: Take my heart; Gyps - by Gyps - 06-17-2016, 04:10 PM
    RE: Take my heart; Gyps - by Sin Killer - 06-18-2016, 12:06 AM
    RE: Take my heart; Gyps - by Gyps - 06-18-2016, 09:03 AM

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