It had been an odd year in many ways, but overall it was good. While Nymphetamine still felt the ache from Kimber brushing him off, belittling his attempts to tell her how he cared, the necromancer had found joy in other things. He had had a few pleasant evenings with a few mares that year. They were sweet, uncomplicated (in relation to "his" blue mare) and helped his see that getting along really shouldn't be so hard. That sharing a moment didn't need to be all angst and tough exterior. He enjoyed those moments... the feeling of connection without all the bullheadedness. It was a welcomed changed. He was reflecting on everything that had happened within the year, Vessel being kidnapped, his fall out with Kimber, the multiple promotions from Killdare, etc as he weaved through the trees that made up the forest. He had spent a little time here recently. It was a nice place to hide out from the real world for a brief time. Shaded, relatively quiet, and most importantly outside of Chamber. He had actually just left visiting with Minh, and her filly, one he had sired. They looked well and he would check in the Minh later after she was more settled. He was always more than happy to be a part of his little spawn's lives. The necromancer also knew that he had to keep some distance as well, as the mares were not his.
Well anyway, the blood bay stallion had decided that it was time to move back to Chamber as he had skirted his duties for long enough. While the summer breezes were still blowing he should use them as his own personal air conditioner as he made his way back. however, he heard a bit of a racket and stood still to discern the source. It didn't take him long to realize a mare was giving birth. He waited as the smell hinted at a familiar mare, Nikita he believed. He didn't move into the mares space, instead, he waited to make she the sounds didn't turn to distress. As he waited he remembered their night together many moons ago. She was sweet with a side of spunk if he recalled correctly. The memory continued to unravel until he heard laughter from the new mother. He took this as it was safe, or more so appropriate, for him to go to the mare.
Nymphetamine rounded the corner and saw the painted mare with her foal, a wobbly legged bay paint, he saw himself in the foal almost immediately. A smile came across his lips as he watched the two before he announced himself. He cleared his throat and came into view. "Congratulations Nikita, your foal is lovely, do you have a name yet?" He watched the foal as it stumbled around attempting to control its gangly legs. His attention went back to Nitika then, taking in her appearance, checking her over for any signs of harm or illness. There were none, she looked tired, but none the worse for wear. "You look well. I'm glad to have happened upon you. His words were genuine, and he smiled at her from his place at the head of the clearing. There was a part of him that wished to nuzzle the mare that had just given birth to one of his own, but he hesitated, not sure she would welcome his advances. So he waited, and enjoyed the moment.
in my heart, that barless prison
discolours all with tunnel vision