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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    There will be scars; warship, diplomats, any
    so you wanna play with magic?
    She knows the moment that a stranger comes to their borders. Of course she knows – that's one of the first things she'd set up upon arriving here, a little safety net that helps her know exactly what's going on at all times. Not so much for spying on her own people as for keeping a weather eye on the horizon, always knowing what's going on outside, and who's coming in.

    The boy who stands on the borders is nothing remarkable, not to her. He is black like her, black like his father – she sees them, their line stretching out back into the Chamber, Warship and Straia, both unfamiliar, but both known to her like all memories are known to her. She flicks her tail across her haunches, enjoying the delicate heat of the sun, basking momentarily in the silence, knowing that it's the season of diplomacy, and that it's her responsibility to be stepping up.

    But before she gets around to it, Girr is already on the scene. She very much likes the mare, seeing in her an innocence and purity that few horses maintain. She's pretended to have it once, back when she was pretending to be Cammie, back when she'd contrived her own knot and gotten herself into the beautiful, magnificent mess that is currently unraveling itself by pieces in the Amazons. She'll emerge unscathed, and so will the Deserts. She knows it because it is the way of things, the natural order: she is a thing that all the water and sand in the world can never harm, the immovable object. The world simply shapes itself around her, and by extension, around the Deserts. It's a beautiful thing.

    She is considering jumping into the conversation, but she just can't tear herself away from the current happenings with Girr. She can feel the woman's infatuation with the young stallion, and it's so pure, innocent, and downright adorable that the black woman can't help but giggle. Just a little bit. And it's okay, cause out where she is it's so private no one is going to hear. Because no one – no one - gets to hear Cam giggle. Except maybe Eight. Maybe.

    Gumby takes off with George, making a beeline for the stallion. To his credit, the boy is bold enough not to flinch, although he's clearly a little puzzled by the sight of Gumby. But really, who wouldn't be? Sphinxes are not meant to exist, not really, and even their component parts are not something that most horses have seen. But the boy is brave, and he does not shy away, not even when Gumby drops George at his feet and settles down into his barking, let's play mode.

    Yes, this is the time for her to jump in, she decides with a wry grin.

    She appears a few moments after Girr arrives next to Erebor, the image of calm composure, a sharp contrast to Girr's pink tint from her frolics through the sand. She takes a quick look at Girr, at Gumby, and at George before returning her gaze to the black boy. "Welcome to the Deserts." She smiles at him, her voice entirely nonchalant. "I see you've already met Gumby, our resident protector," she nods at the sphinx, "Girr, one of our members," she nods at the cremello, "And her friend George." she inclines her head delicately to reference the stick at Erebor's feet. "I'm Camrynn, one of the queens here. I'm assuming you're on diplomatic business from the Chamber?"
    co-queen of the deserts, magical, mother of badassery

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: There will be scars; warship, diplomats, any - by Camrynn - 05-16-2015, 11:40 PM

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