"With my speechless calm eyes."
He watches her, studies her, as his words sink in. There is a smile upon his lips, in an attempt to convince her he means good and won’t hurt her. Yet at the same time he worries that she doesn’t really know what she was admitting herself too. She could, of course, leave is she would ever want too, but Brynmor wasn’t really sure if she understood what living in a kingdom meant. And especially in the Tundra. Not that those things really mattered, but he would hate it when things didn’t meet up with her expectations.
But instead of voicing out his worries he nods, still smiling at her. ”Yes, you can” he tells her without hesitating. He might not be the king, but he was sure that Offspring wouldn’t ever turn down anybody who was looking for a home. To Brynmor there was nothing more important than to feel at home. The Tundra took him in when nobody else would and he wanted to offer everybody who needed a place to stay such a home. ”You are welcome to stay, I’m already glad that you even consider it. So please, please feel comfortable and at home.”
He steps backwards again, turning himself a little to the side to open up the view for her. Soon the lands would be white again, covered with a sparkling blanket and they would stay like that for quite a while. No other kingdom had as much snow as they had, neither as long. ”May I ask for your name? It’s easier to introduce you and show you around if I knew.” He wanted to introduce Offspring to her, he genuinely hoped that meeting the king would make her more comfortable and at ease. Although the black ice king was different from him, he was friendly and caring too. And if she trusted the king, then maybe, maybe it would make it easier for the Friesian mare to soon feel at home.
"Nothing is coming to rise."