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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    we might as well be playing with lightning; Camrynn
    Pink was clinging to Rune’s fuzzy baby coat, making him look way more festive and also way more girly than his grullo fluff looked on its own.  And that was fine and all.  Rune didn’t mind looking festive and girly.  Some of his best friends were girls, after all!  Well, okay.  All of his best friends were girls.  But the pink sand was soooooo itchy!  He snorted, shaking his head as he tried to get sand out of his nostrils to no avail.  And it creeped and crawled along his skin, driving him absolutely bonkers ‘til he just had to stop, drop, and roll.  He flailed his legs about in the air, squirming and wriggling and scratching the itchiest of spots on his back…and when he got up, there was even more pink clinging to him.

    And also his silvery mane stuck straight up.  Well boo.  Rune was pretty sure Ellie thought it was cute when his hair stood up like that, but it tickled and tingled and it meant he got zapped a lot, and none of that was all that fun, really.  Well.  The tickling did make him giggle sometimes.  And the tingling felt a little bit like the charge in the air right before lightning lit up the sky and thunder shook the earth and everything standing on it.  Okay, so maybe it wasn’t so bad.  And the zapping didn’t hurt, really.  Most of the time, anyhow.

    There was no storm looming high up above today.  The sky was bright and clear, and Rune was heading out to his favorite little oasis, one he’d found on an adventure with his sister-friend Ellie.  They’d been playing catch me find me, just like Momma Elsie had taught them, and it was Ellie’s turn to catch him.  Turned out catching was pretty easy out in the open stretches of sand, especially since they left tracks.  Very pink tracks that led straight to their hiding…well, dunes.  When they’d found the oasis with its happy little trees and grasses and shrubberies out in the middle of the sand, they’d whooped and cheered and thrown themselves headlong into the green, where the hiding was lots easier and the finding was lots more fun.  The little oasis had quickly become his favorite place, with shade and water and sneaking and fun.  And less with the clingy pink sand.  Since it was all in his nose and his fur and his everywhere, green stuff and water seemed like a fun alternative.  

    But on his way there, he got a teensy bit sidetracked on account of the shiny new friend he found, who looked like a big scary cat thing with sharp claws and catlike stalkiness but with a weird sort of monkey-thing face.  His tongue lolled out all panting-like, and he grinned at Rune and wriggled just like Rune had been wriggling in the sand to try to scratch his itchy baby fluff.  Except his new friend was still standing up, and the wriggling was from excitedness instead!  So Rune wriggled right back, bounced toward the funny monkey-faced shiny cat thing, gave a little buck, and jumped forward to tag him right in the shoulder--ZAP!

    “Ow!” Rune yelped, and the puppycatmonkey yelped right along with him.  “I’m sorry!  I didn’t mean to!”  Little Rune’s face fell, and he crumpled into a sad little ball of dejected sadness on four gangly legs.  “It just does that.  I didn’t mean to hurt you, new maybe-friend.”  After all, maybe his new friend wouldn’t want to be friends with somebody to crackled and zapped him.  But his new friend just grinned, his tongue lolling right back out of his funny monkey-mouth as he panted happily and wagged his cat tail.

    Messages In This Thread
    we might as well be playing with lightning; Camrynn - by Perun - 05-16-2015, 09:47 PM

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