Archam pondered about the herd lands, he returned from the Golden Plains and speaking with Phaedrus A couple weeks ago. He wanted to share the news of the alliance with everyone in the herd, but mainly Anahi. He agreed that there daughter would be traded for one of Phaedrus' and she needed to know. In two years times they would be saying goodbye to there first born child.
His head turned as he gazed around, a small nicker escaped his mouth and he returned to gaze about. The snow has melted and the temperature was growing warmer, spring was just around the corner and soon the flowers would bloom and the trees would be fully green again. Life as always being born around the spring, the nature always bloomed and the new life of foals came around. The mares of all kingdoms and herds would soon explore around to flaunt there newborn children, and Archam was expecting some of his own. Morigan who was perhaps pregnant with twins, her stomach was much bigger than any pregnancy he has seen. It was a rare sight but certainly possible, and he was excited to see there new life.
Also expecting in the coming weeks was Anahi, with there second foal. He was curious to how she would take the news, seeing as how she was flabbergasted with the deal he and Besra made. How would she feel knowing that he made an agreement to give away there daughter to the opposing herds stallion. The only way to find out was to speak with her, he was hoping to catch her without Sirana so they could break the news to her at a later time.