so you wanna play with magic?
She's not surprised to see how many mares come out of the woodwork. Hadn't it been the same, when the jungle had come to the Deserts? Had not Yael and Romek came too, just for a diplomatic visit? She doesn’t know Rhy, of course; the mare hadn't been there in the Deserts, but it's easy enough to pluck her function from collective memory, and Camrynn respects her immediately. She doesn't know the young filly either, but she's not put off by Nayl's words. She understands what it is to be young (probably better than the majority of fifty-plus-year-old horses, due to her own recent experience with the business).
Zilpah starts speaking, and Camrynn is content to let the girl introduce them. She hadn't lied when she had said that the girl was shaping up to be a good diplomat, although she needs a little bit more self confidence. Right on cue, as Zilpah trails off, Scorch begins speaking again. Camrynn watches the dragon mare carefully, noting how she seems to be keeping herself in check, but barely, and how she gets right down to business. Camrynn is not nervous about the answer; it is what it is, it is the answer that has been given by the entirety of the Deserts, and it stands, no matter what.
Unlike Scorch, Camrynn is not nostalgic. It's absolutely cruel, but it's true. In her mind, she's given Scorch little Cammie again – a thought that is driven home as Wrynn herself appears. Camrynn does not react (if she has her way, there will never be any way to prove her connection to the filly) but can't help admiring her work, just a little. The girl looks identical to Cammie, and it's clear from the way she interacts with her mother and the horses around her that she's got exactly the personality that Camrynn had crafted for Cammie. With the noticeable difference, of course, that Wrynn is all authentic, and Cammie had always been an act.
Camrynn's eyes fixate on Scorch's, keeping their bright green color. "Yes, we bring the answer that's long been promised. I apologize for how long it's taken, but we wanted to be sure that every horse in the kingdom had a chance to vote." she says, her velvet voice cool and poised. "Thank you all for coming here to greet us. It's a pleasure to meet new faces." she nods gently to Rhy, Nayl, and to Wrynn, despite the fact that the filly hasn't been introduced.
"The Deserts has voted to continue the alliance, to continue the relationship our kingdoms have had for so many years. Support in times of trial, joint training exercises, complete honesty, the full reach and breadth of the strongest alliance." she pauses here, letting the words sink in. "But we do not offer more than the strongest of alliances. The horses of the Deserts voted against sister kingdoms."
And with that, the magic-mare is silent. The ball is now in Scorch and Rhy's court, to decide how to react to this latest development. It's not sister-kingdoms, but the practical relationship would be very much what Scorch had desired, simply under another name. Respectful (for once), she doesn't pry into their minds, doesn't do anything but wait, watch, and listen.
Because no matter what they say, the Deserts will be fine, and she knows it.
Zilpah starts speaking, and Camrynn is content to let the girl introduce them. She hadn't lied when she had said that the girl was shaping up to be a good diplomat, although she needs a little bit more self confidence. Right on cue, as Zilpah trails off, Scorch begins speaking again. Camrynn watches the dragon mare carefully, noting how she seems to be keeping herself in check, but barely, and how she gets right down to business. Camrynn is not nervous about the answer; it is what it is, it is the answer that has been given by the entirety of the Deserts, and it stands, no matter what.
Unlike Scorch, Camrynn is not nostalgic. It's absolutely cruel, but it's true. In her mind, she's given Scorch little Cammie again – a thought that is driven home as Wrynn herself appears. Camrynn does not react (if she has her way, there will never be any way to prove her connection to the filly) but can't help admiring her work, just a little. The girl looks identical to Cammie, and it's clear from the way she interacts with her mother and the horses around her that she's got exactly the personality that Camrynn had crafted for Cammie. With the noticeable difference, of course, that Wrynn is all authentic, and Cammie had always been an act.
Camrynn's eyes fixate on Scorch's, keeping their bright green color. "Yes, we bring the answer that's long been promised. I apologize for how long it's taken, but we wanted to be sure that every horse in the kingdom had a chance to vote." she says, her velvet voice cool and poised. "Thank you all for coming here to greet us. It's a pleasure to meet new faces." she nods gently to Rhy, Nayl, and to Wrynn, despite the fact that the filly hasn't been introduced.
"The Deserts has voted to continue the alliance, to continue the relationship our kingdoms have had for so many years. Support in times of trial, joint training exercises, complete honesty, the full reach and breadth of the strongest alliance." she pauses here, letting the words sink in. "But we do not offer more than the strongest of alliances. The horses of the Deserts voted against sister kingdoms."
And with that, the magic-mare is silent. The ball is now in Scorch and Rhy's court, to decide how to react to this latest development. It's not sister-kingdoms, but the practical relationship would be very much what Scorch had desired, simply under another name. Respectful (for once), she doesn't pry into their minds, doesn't do anything but wait, watch, and listen.
Because no matter what they say, the Deserts will be fine, and she knows it.
co-queen of the deserts, magical, mother of badassery