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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    she'll turn cold as a freezer; Pevensie, Zilpah, Scorch, diplomats, & any
    Oh look, oh my star is fading
    The world has gotten gentler now, a little bit kinder. It's no longer just her mother with the anger, it's also her father with the strange words that seem to mean nothing to the little girl, but also mean everything.

    When she hears strangers at the border of the jungle, she is immediately curious, but in a gentle sort of way. She doesn’t feel distressed by their presence, because she believes that everyone can be friends. But nonetheless, she feels a strong tug toward them. She doesn't think much of it; perhaps she's just meant to meet them, for whatever reason, but of course the actual reason is something more sinister. Her body remembers the magic that had caused it to exist. It knows, although no one else but Camrynn knows, the magic trip-wire that had been placed within Scorch, set to trigger the next time she had children and create one in the very image of Cammie. Literally the very image – right down to being impossibly sweet and good-natured.

    Gently and sleepily disentangling herself from her brother, she yawns widely. She's beginning to gain a hint of control over her eyes, but they still have a tendency to be more mood-ring rainbow than Cammie's (or Camrynn's), which were always more laser-focused on a particular color. Today they're a haze of greens, chased sometimes with other colors as they swirl.

    Gently, the bay girl makes her way to the little gathering. There's so many of them – her mother, a mare she hasn't met yet, another filly she doesn't know, and three horses who smell like a place she's never been. She smiles to all of them, gently, kindly. As she makes her way to her mother's side she touches Nayl and Rhy gently with her nose, a delicate, unspoken greeting. It is lucky for her that Rhy has kept the electric locked away for guests – although Wrynn would never think to hold it against her if she were to be shocked.

    She ends next to Scorch, not tucked between the woman's legs, not hiding and not afraid, but not far away from the Khaleesi. Her muzzle gently touches her mother before looking back at the assembled group, a smile still on her face, making it impossible to confuse her silence for unfriendliness. She's simply respectful – the grown ups are talking, and she's just glad to be here watching.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: she'll turn cold as a freezer; Pevensie, Zilpah, Scorch, diplomats, & any - by Wrynn - 05-16-2015, 12:20 PM

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