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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Butterflies are self propelled flowers - Besra, any
    At first his tense nerves rule his thoughts, then she says that she is here for her daughter. For a moment he is confused, knowing of no filly that lived within his lands, that is until the foal spoke up. Besra, of course, he should have seen it. The pale blue coloring. What strikes him though is the cobalt, only one horse ever gave that color. Felidae? His thought rolls off his tongue. Then introductions insue, and her name comfirms his suspisions, Wonderful to meet you Felinea, Vlinder. Tell me what is your relation to Felidae? Before he can get to deep in the conversation Besra is by his side calming him with her touch. The meer mention of his father sending a tumultious cascade of emotions through his mind.

    She reminds him of how his intensity can be imposing to others, so in a sheepish effort he relaxs tucking his wing around her for the moments that she is by him. How she knew what to do to calm his ever present battle instinct he could never fathom. He watches as family is united. A smile hinting at his lips. Standing by he watches the exchange not wishing to inturrupt. He stands alone for the moment as his Besra offers gentle touches of love to her family.

    He becomes lost in his own thoughts for a while. Letting the girls enjoy themselves. In this moment he is able to relax. The irritations and irrational anger he had been experiencing lately seep away with the chatter of the giddy females. He used to keep his anger in check, he used to know exactly what he was looking for. These days he simply roams, searching. He was back in the same place he was before. Aimless, yet not... it was a confusing state, a frustrating state. And others around him seemed to find it amusing to poke at him when he is in this state of mind.

    He wondered just what it was that he was planning on doing. There was an idea brewing in the back of his thoughts, one that he was certain that when it took, it would be a doozy. But for now it just scratched and ebbed at the fringes of his mind reminding him that it was there, but that it wasn't even close to being ready to show itself. What to do with the herd? Alliences were a good idea, but what could they do for him? What could the herd do for the kingdoms? What could HE do for the kingdom? The kingdom alliences needed to interact for sure. But how? How was he going to encourage this to happen.

    He knew that herds and kingdoms were supposed to remain seperate. They were supposed to.... he shakes his head setting it aside for the moment. He needed to pay attention to the present, not brood over something that could never happen.

    i'll carry this flag, to the grave if i must

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Butterflies are self propelled flowers - Besra, any - by Phaedrus - 05-28-2016, 12:00 AM

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