05-25-2016, 11:47 PM
i counted the stars tonight, i gathered them all
The world is different place, one that she was quickly becoming attached to. She continues to speak to the non-existant horse. Only her words can be heard, only the ball of light that she sends back to the sky can be seen. Then a cool crisp crunch tells her of anothers appearance. Breath, just breath, she doesn't rush anything, she doesn't feel the urges of curiousity pricking to look at the other.
The only indication that she even knew he was there is the swivel of her ears. For a moment she stands there, listening to his words. Then she turns, one step, two steps, face swivels to gaze at him through milky blue haze. I am. The filly quietly states it, matter of factly. It was in all honesty the truth of her world. She looked out for herself, she was her own guardian. Her mother had shown her the way, now it was time for her to learn on her own.
She looks to him expectantly. Her dappled coat growing thick and fluffed in the winter cold. She doesn't smile, she doesn't twitch. The occassional puffs of white let anything know that she even exists. Its the gentle rise and fall of her ribs that say that she is in fact real. After several moments of waiting she speaks once more in no uncertain terms You are. Was it a demand? The quiet words firm, but still hinted with the delicate need of civility stand stark against the cold nights air. This she inquires of him before she offers him her own name Oricle He would know, there was no way he could mistake her name for anything other then it was. A prophecy.
Lashes flutter shut for a moment she is suspended in time, then the ghost speaks again, You know better then to talk to strangers It tsks at her. Shaking its head in a arrigent manner. Shut up She hisses at it again, this time a little more concealed. Muffling it by turning her head towards the non existant equine.
The only indication that she even knew he was there is the swivel of her ears. For a moment she stands there, listening to his words. Then she turns, one step, two steps, face swivels to gaze at him through milky blue haze. I am. The filly quietly states it, matter of factly. It was in all honesty the truth of her world. She looked out for herself, she was her own guardian. Her mother had shown her the way, now it was time for her to learn on her own.
She looks to him expectantly. Her dappled coat growing thick and fluffed in the winter cold. She doesn't smile, she doesn't twitch. The occassional puffs of white let anything know that she even exists. Its the gentle rise and fall of her ribs that say that she is in fact real. After several moments of waiting she speaks once more in no uncertain terms You are. Was it a demand? The quiet words firm, but still hinted with the delicate need of civility stand stark against the cold nights air. This she inquires of him before she offers him her own name Oricle He would know, there was no way he could mistake her name for anything other then it was. A prophecy.
Lashes flutter shut for a moment she is suspended in time, then the ghost speaks again, You know better then to talk to strangers It tsks at her. Shaking its head in a arrigent manner. Shut up She hisses at it again, this time a little more concealed. Muffling it by turning her head towards the non existant equine.
so will you hold cause time is cold
but in your soul im standing by
but in your soul im standing by