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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Sweet Candy Pink {Waylan-Any}

    Think sweets, think pink, think me!

    As soon as she calls out, he lets her know of his presence. A presence so menacing that she was quivering at just the mere thought. She missed Zayn, missed him with every part of her being. Yet he was not there, and as for him looking out for her. She is sure that, that was not the case. Not in the slightest, especially after the fairies had stolen her away, made her fall in love with a man so similar to him that even now the pain of being rejected still stung in her chest. Zayn was a jealous man, and since she had fornicated with another since his passing there was no reason for her to believe that he would protect her. No she deserved the punishment he would send. She is almost certain that it is through this stag bleeding on her withers. But that in itself was confusing. Zayn knew just how much she enjoyed the bruising love he showed her. why would he reward her? no there had to be a catch.
    She lowers her head respectfully her eyes rest at his feet. When he offers her a choice her heart lurches, but then again it wasn’t really a choice now was it? She dares to look up for a moment, only to see another stag there. If she was shaking before, now she is sure that even the stallion in the distance could hear her knocking knees. She was surprised by how possessive this colt is of her. She was quite perplexed by this turn of events. She was sure that there was no room for a useless mare amongst his group. I’m sorry She whispers the words, her voice quivering with her muscles. He tells her to turn around and go back. Yet there is still a part of her, no matter how little and buried it was, still it is hoping for escape. Not from him, not from Zayn, but from herself. One last look and her hope dies out, this man had watched as the bloody stag bruised her. She is useless.
    With a sigh she treads through the snow back to towards the path that she had taken to get here. Her head still hung, but when she reaches the border she turns to see him unsure if it was just the burn of his bite or if he still had his teeth there securing her in his grasp. She is silent on the way back. But when they arrive at the borders, she speaks up timidly, hoping he would understand her confusion. I didn’t mean to upset you, nor run away. I thought that I was of no use to you, and was disposing of myself rather than burdening you. It won’t be happening again I assure you. In the moment all she wants is a comforting shoulder to rest against. Part of her hoping that his soft tones were an indication of what could the start of a friendship or something between the two of them. She could only hope that he took after Zayn and would look upon her with kindness as his father had.


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    Sweet Candy Pink {Waylan-Any} - by Nixie - 05-25-2016, 06:54 PM

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