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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    she's in parties { Elysium }

    She couldn't tell what it was, that strange feeling in her chest and...ahem. It was so brief but, she could pick him out in a crowd easily. The delicate moth stallion had taken hold of her, she was young, about 6, she was no filly, but still now she was to be a young new mother.

    She was so naive yet, her instinct to fall for the one she had tangoed so briefly with was strong. Though she had no idea what this feeling was, having never felt this way for a stallion before.

    Soon after he had left, she had tracked him down. Her hooves quickly sweeping across the ground in a swift trot.

    Her pace was slowed only when the smell of pine was strong, she knew this smell...the Valley, she had smelled it on the moth stallion, she couldn't mistaken that heavy pine musk on his powdered delicate wings. She went as far as what she believed was the border, she studied the land around her, liking that most these pines and evergreens were still green, unlike the rest of the dying landscape.

    A deep mist hung in the air here, it felt ominous, she liked that.

    The grullo girl stood awkwardly now, how stupid could she be. Following him here. What was her problem. She shook her head, the debate in her brain was too much.

    What the hell am I doing....no no....it is right for you to be here...he was cute...oh my god I am a stalker. I am a crazy stalker betch...I should just turn around...nope nope I gotta stay! I have gotta stay!

    Her mind bickered back and forth, letting out a frustrated low groan. She circled nervously now, dark umber eyes gleaming in a vast land of haze.

    She was pretty, she had that going for her, but she was angsty and awkward, still growing into herself and still maturing. But soon she would have to become that confident woman her mother was...for little did she know, two unique foals were developing inside her.

    She hoped she was not doing the wrong thing, but this was the only way to see him again.

    ...maybe he would like her....maybe he would think she was a crazy stalker...either way...she was going to live in the Valley no matter what.


    until exposed became my darker side

    OOC: Ahhh I didn't know how to start this but Tal is a Tina and wants to look at Elysium's fine mothy butt. He is now her Jimmy Jr. hahaha! I've not written her in a while so she will blossom a little more as we go on Big Grin

    Messages In This Thread
    she's in parties { Elysium } - by Talzanna - 05-23-2016, 07:59 PM

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