i've been saving my soul for someone like you. so let's love while we're young.
The girl was still awkwardly shaped as she is found to be between the solid states of filly and mare. She is all limbs for this season but some the the next, she will be more filled out, more shapely. But for now, she still maintains the stature of a growing girl.
Teals eyes look to the larger male, fear had yet established a foothold in her persona...f ever. The soil upon his skin glistened with moisture fro the depths of the earth as she finds herself drifitng towards him. His words reach the russet lobes as they train towards him, pools flickering towards the sod when he finally mentions his embarkation of seeking the source of the hole. Keilani can not help to suppress the now wiry smile that crosses her small lips. When his rather curt remark is made as to her age, Kei scoffs at this. Ears flicker back momentarily.
"Old enough, I am quite old enough." Her retort is followed in a similar curt fashion as she tilts her head slightly at the dark skinned male. "Are you young enough to get away playing in the dirt all day, Kyofu?"
It only seemed right for the young girl to return with a question. The teal haired boy was certainly smarter than the girl but she does not turn away from the advantage he holds over her. In fact, she revels in the challenge to her own intellect and mastery of sarcasm.
Teals eyes look to the larger male, fear had yet established a foothold in her persona...f ever. The soil upon his skin glistened with moisture fro the depths of the earth as she finds herself drifitng towards him. His words reach the russet lobes as they train towards him, pools flickering towards the sod when he finally mentions his embarkation of seeking the source of the hole. Keilani can not help to suppress the now wiry smile that crosses her small lips. When his rather curt remark is made as to her age, Kei scoffs at this. Ears flicker back momentarily.
"Old enough, I am quite old enough." Her retort is followed in a similar curt fashion as she tilts her head slightly at the dark skinned male. "Are you young enough to get away playing in the dirt all day, Kyofu?"
It only seemed right for the young girl to return with a question. The teal haired boy was certainly smarter than the girl but she does not turn away from the advantage he holds over her. In fact, she revels in the challenge to her own intellect and mastery of sarcasm.
self-aura manipulating, light armor equipped daughter of pazuzu and lirren