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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    There was a birch tree in the field; Nymph

    It had been a while since he had last seen his master; long enough of a time that he decided to set out from the Chamber and find out where he had gotten to.  He had not been present at the herdland that he kept, attached to the piney kingdom.  Nor had Siberian heard anything of him in the Forest or the Meadow.  There was talk, however, frightened talk, of a huge monster that had emerged and gone on an equine-killing spree within the Meadow.  The Budyonny's next step had been to venture to the lake that the beast had emerged from.  And there, Siberian comes across decayed and scattered pieces of what he can only assume is the palomino sabino who had controlled his life for so long, his own private monarch.  He gazes down at the bloody remnants with dark eyes and a silent tongue, completely at a loss for what to say or do now.  The last time he had seen Zayn was in the days after the war, when he had actually praised the bear-shifter for his performance in the battle.  

    To see the fearsome personality reduced to carrion was something that he he never expected to have happen.  After a short observation period, he simply turns away from the lake, going back the way he had come.  When he arrives back at the Chamber, the black stallion seeks out the horse that he knew best here, the only one he could consider to be a friend.  The blood bay with the troubled love life is not hard to find, since he held a high rank in the Diplomat caste and was thus required to be close at hand for kingdom duties.  A diplomat, yes.  Another reason to seek him out; the necromancer was good with words and could help him through his turmoil.  Siberian approaches his friend, whickering in greeting, though his eyes remain troubled and confused.  He comes right to the point, wanting to get this dire news shared as quickly as possible, though his voice is as plaintive as his expression.   "I found him, Nymph.  Zayn is dead.  " He briefly drops his gaze before lifting it back up to settle forlornly upon the other stallion again.  "My master is dead.  "


    The sexy grizzly boy of Beqanna


    Messages In This Thread
    There was a birch tree in the field; Nymph - by Siberian - 05-23-2016, 05:02 PM

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