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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I show not your face, but your hearts desire.[Offy,Topsail,Brynmor,Diplomats]

    "With my speechless calm eyes."

    Beqanna was changing and Brynmor could only suppose that some changed from time to time would be a good thing. Alliances and loyalties were slowly turned upside down and therefor a strange connection of kingdoms had already started to form. The Tundra, Gates, Chamber and Valley. He had first questioned the thing, but by now the gray male had had the chance to get used to it. He still couldn’t say he liked the Chamber – he was too scarred by the past to just get over it – but the diplomat knew he shouldn’t let the past influence the future. He had to be stronger than that.

    Luckily for him Topsail didn’t give him anything to dislike her or her kingdom. He didn’t knew that much about the Valley, but their trip back to the Tundra might be the chance to learn it. Offspring had told him to tell her that the ice king would come to visit the Valley if she would like to speak him, but the queen seemed to be eager to do just the opposite, and Brynmor would gladly lead her to his home. Not that he disliked the shadowy Valley at first sight, but it wasn’t home.

    She didn’t really give them time to reply and after looking towards the palomino stud for a short second, a somewhat apologetic smile upon his lips, he turned around to follow her. ”We’d gladly do that.” Not that he needed to answer, as they had already left, but he just couldn’t stop himself. It wasn’t sarcastic, nor he meant bad, just confirming her that it wasn’t any trouble at all.

    It was Patchouli who did most of the talking and even though Brynmor had some questions that swirled in his mind (such as how she had become the Valley’s queen, or what her kingdom stood for, or even simple things like how she saw the future), he kept quiet. He didn’t want to rudely disturb them, only piping in so now and then with a comment. They would arrive at the Tundra soon enough, he could be the diplomat then, right now they could just talk about this and that.

    He allows Patchouli to pass through the gate first, leading Topsail into their icy kingdom. He follows last. Immediately the smile upon his lips grows, glad to be home again. The gray man loved the Tundra dearly and he had pledged his loyalty to her. And he would gladly show Topsail around. She didn’t have to love her like he did, but if she was interested in an alliance with the Tundra, it would be nice if she could connect to the place too.

    His palomino brother calls out for their brothers and king. Turning towards Topsail he offers her a smile, before letting his blue eyes wander across the Tundra’s lands again. ”Welcome to the Tundra, Queen Topsail” he speaks, voice soft and warm, like he’s already memorized by the view.

    "Nothing is coming to rise."

    OOC: This sucks xC

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: I show not your face, but your hearts desire.[Offy,Topsail,Brynmor,Diplomats] - by Brynmor - 05-23-2016, 02:21 PM

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