05-22-2016, 01:38 PM
prince of the chamber
No one flinched when Mortal was born or if they had he had never noticed. Instead the boy was the one to label others, where most would say traited or special or unique Mortal was certain they were freaks- including himself. The young black colt wasn’t sure why that was, just that it was and that’s how it always had been or else everyone acted as if it was some sort of everyday norm. Even the vibrant colors were not found unusual, his own shocks of lime green hair and his brothers grassy points, their Dam’s infinity of hues that melted over her coat on a whim. And though he truly thought them all freakish he accepted that it was just the way things were, much like he accepted most things, with stride and with certainty. Today he knows that he will not linger in the confines of the looming pines, that he won’t be underfoot (though with his build no one could put much claim to that) or under eye. Instead he crosses the threshold of the Chamber without cause to hide his actions, rarely was he stopped or coddled, likely because he had little care for such things. Indeed he enjoyed his family, his brother and sister, his Dam but being cooed over or close wasn’t his favorite activity. Mortal wanted to know things, he wanted to see things, even if those things were dark or scary or full of light and wonder. He wanted to see them and to know them by his own recollection and not as some bedtime story or second hand news from a passerby. He wanted to be certain of himself and his knowledge and who better to trust with that assignment than himself?
When he does stray from the Chamber’s sight he does not look back, he moves forward, eyes tracing the expanding fields of yellowing grass and withering wildflowers. A few times he stops to inspect an overturned rock or a odd looking leaf and when he does he flicks his wings tilting the clear appendages in the cool autumn air. The little foal had yet learn to fly, mostly because he was not yet big enough but also because it was terribly hard to find space to maneuver in the Chamber to do so. For a moment the shining membranes caught the sun’s rays just right, reflecting on the ground just so as to tempt a drying leaf to smoke and for the edges to gently burn and blacken. Somehow they were like a giant magnifying glass and he was quite unaware of this particular potential they possessed.
From a distance he spots another, a young thing like he is, maybe younger, maybe not. Either way he tilts his head as he examines the little beasts body from a distance, noticing the patchy hide and milky eyes. Some might hold back, to shy away from social interaction but Mortal had never been shy, nor had he ever been afraid. Soon he finds his thick, feathering legs moving him forward, pushing him towards the unknown instead of directing him away from it. “What do they call you?” he asks the boy with golden threads laced through his mane and poking proudly at his points. “Father named me Mortal, so I am certain that is my name.” Certain. Of course he was.
dont wanna hang around the in crowd, the cool kids aren't cool to me
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