05-21-2016, 08:13 PM
He gazed at the grullo mare with a smile, it was nice to pick up where things were left off. He remembers first meeting the two with Ygritte, Jedi was new to the kingdom. He was although curious to there disappearance. Yes time certainly does fly around here He gave a nod when she spoke about the weather I do enjoy the cooling temperature but I'm a fan of spring, I cannot stand the cold that follows autumn he gave a snort at the thought of the white snow that will soon cover the ground of the Beqanna.
His attention turned to Sunfall as she moved forward joining in on the conversation. The young mare spoke properly, she introduced herself and seemed to be mature beyond her age. To his amazement the mare told him she wanted to join the warrior caste when she turned three and Jedi couldn't help but smile we would love to have you in the warrior caste, we already have two mares whom I'm sure would love to train with you. he knew that the mare had a certain fire, she as not like the others. Most foals who were at breeding age wanted to leave there born kingdom and venture off to find a suitor, or start there own herd. But this mare, she wanted to remain in the Falls and become a member of the Warrior caste. This was something that Jedi could admire, and he could only hope that his foals would make similar decisions.
The young mare moved closer to Jedi and he found it funny that she still held her innocence of a foal. Come find me when you turn three, I will show you the border patrol, I'll even train with you He smiled his ears flicked forward. His gaze wondered back to Blazed whos eyes showed worry for her daughters decision. He understood her fears, but hoped she trusted him and the other Warriors to protect her.
OOC: lol seriously though!!
P.S. what color is sunfall?