And inside you're burning
with some secret yearning
The stars twinkle in benign beauty high above in the velvet night sky. They shine down, wrapping her and her newest child in their cool embrace. Little does she realize that those cruel, callous things have gifted her youngest with their ethereal light.
She had never before considered that she might need to share her gift. That the stars are less discriminating than she had first imagined. She has never before met another who could wield their power in the way that she can. They have always been hers and hers alone. They shine their eternal light favorably upon her, gifting her with such unimaginable and untold power. To see that power manifest itself in another, in her own daughter no less, is a surprise to say the least.
The smallest kernel of jealousy settles in her heart, cold and unforgiving. Tendrils of that awful, tenacious beast snake through her skin, infecting her with a terrible feeling no mother should ever feel for their child.
But she feels it. She cannot seem to help it.
She does not prevent the girl from nursing, but when she settles against her in milk-fueled bliss, Lirren withdraws ever so slightly. Swinging her teal-tipped head around to the roan filly, she nibbles with deceptive softness along her whispy dark mane. Then, with deliberate intent, she aims a sharp nip at her bony shoulders.
”My sweet Oricle,” she whispers softly, almost soothingly, into the skin she had treated so harshly. ”Do not ever do that again. The stars are not yours.” Her tone is cooingly sweet, but the icy undertone is impossible to mistake.
starlit daughter of joythief and carnage
Well this went a different direction than I thought it would. Apparently she's the jealous type D: