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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Best to keep things in the shallow end - [Nevi, Any]
    Jamie x Astri
    The colt reminds her of Wyrm, her nephew. Behind his eyes lurks an intelligent spark that’s easy to detect from his polite tone. “Such a gentleman.” She thinks, offering a soft smile in exchange for his warm welcome. Dacia thinks it’s a bit odd that in this great wide expanse of snowy wasteland she’s greeted by the young boy, but perhaps it’s symbolic in a way. The Tundra men have no concern for the whims of women, whereas the colt makes an excellent envoy. He seems right at home here, not disturbed in the least by the winds that cause her shoulders to tremble from the cold.

    A curious little fellow. “Nevi, what an unusual name.” Dacia ponders aloud, looking the colt over. “I’m Dacia, from the Chamber.” She says, wondering already if she’s let too much slip. The Tundra and the Chamber were cordial with each other now, at best, and Dacia doesn’t want to slight them by thinking that Killdare had sent a mare to do his dirty work. “I come alone though. I had an itch to see the wall.” She tells him, glancing up to the dizzying height of ice. Impressive, in the least. What sort of magic or manpower could erect such a monument? Then again, what sort of power could destroy it?

    She thinks of flames but quickly extinguishes the thought, turning her attention back to the dark youngling. “Tell me Nevi, what’s on the other side of this wall? Is there much to do here or do you get bored sometimes?” She asks, quirking an ear to the side so that the wind won’t drown out his reply. It fascinates her - all of it. The bachelor lifestyle, the harsh elements. A true test of manhood to grow up in a place like this. It makes her wonder what sort of stallion Nevi will become when he matures. Innocence is a short-lived period, but the boy wears it so well Dacia cannot stand the idea that he may some day be a brutal brother.
    Color-Changing Vixen of the Chamber

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    RE: Best to keep things in the shallow end - [Nevi, Any] - by Dacia - 05-11-2016, 12:15 PM

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