When the chameleon mare steps back Chem follows suit by gently rocking back a few steps, his bones creaking and popping quietly as he does. Her name makes his ears perk up, he recognizes that name from somewhere. It's the name of an ancient place – a magical place, even more magical than here. So magical sounding that he was sure it was mythological completely and that the old storytellers were frankly full of shit. But the name still settles weirdly in his mind...so he may pluck it out later and go over just what he really thinks about it. “Lovely name Helovia, very 'princessy'” He bats his lashes beneath the heap of forelock spilling over his face and flits his head up dramatically, like a said princess might do. A motherly tone slices through what he assumes to be his well working charm. He's reminded again of her strong presence, the pine pitch smell on her fur stimulating his mind to become swallowed up in her for just a second or two. His eyes find her, his grin subtly widening, her stare seems to communicate something much stronger than even her assertive tone. He drops half of his grin and offers an entertained smirk, tossing his forelock to fall awkwardly backwards and reveals his bright eyes.
Who is anyone, really? His glare responds, but really neither one can be sure of what the other is contemplating. His arrogant nature makes him believe she just might be as taken with his teenage-boy pervert-eqsue weirdness as he is by how sassy and full of bossyness she is. He says nothing and slowly drags his eyes back to the filly.
“ Yeah, where you from little lass?” His voice his calm and velvet like the night sky.
astra inclinant, sed non obligant.
@[Helovia] @[Dacia]
omg <33