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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i ate the bait and snapped the line [anyone]

    Oh and what fanfare we have here!

    That face has that same maniacal like grin again, as always, watching his kinglyship dance around and make a ring of fire to wrap him so cozily up. Chem pays the glowing heat no mind and lets his wet eyes follow Killdare, slanted smirk and all. He does no sizing up, or huffing or pawing, he simply grins madly (as he always does) and dips his head with a nod. He lets the King rattle like a pissy little maraca for a moment before interjecting calmly. “Sight seeing? No.” drawing in a sigh with a chuckle. “I've got my own pine trees – and I've seen rocks before, no need to risk life and limb for aesthetic pleasure, aye.” His ears prop up and he raises his head a bit, meeting Killdare eye to eye. “An underling of the Falls?” Another casual bout of laughter slips from his mouth and he looks around quickly, watching the others begin the ascent toward the King and the stranger. He continues on as if he doesn't see them just yet. “Oh, sir, you presume. I've not a thing to do with the Falls folks. Not as of yet, any way. But that's my business, now isn't it?” His saltiness is just in time for the next approach.

    How sweet of you, lass. But my new friend has yet to harm me. And I so far doubt that he will – he's got no reason. ” he ignores the cackling sizzle that is currently trapping him where he stands...as if that's just what pals do. Duh.

    Oh my, a legion.” He feigns delight, “Now that does sound awfully fancy.” He looks to Killdare with entertainment dancing in his eyes, only one of them left exposed, the other covered in dreaded forelock.

    Lupei!” His voice is genuine, his grin less mad-hatter more actual friendliness. The little buddy seems to have the same worry in his eyes that the unicorn did just seconds before – was their King that ridiculous, really? Does he often slay strangers who may be looking to join his weird little family of gremlins? Chem refused to believe his new buddy (yes, the one who set fire around him and doesnt know his name) is going to kill him so quickly. A small piece of his mind wonders if he might be wrong.

    Yeah, absolutely. I've always wanted to see this place.Again? He's been here before, but he doesn't see that point being super important at the moment. He secretly wants to give his furless little freak-friend a nice brotherly embrace for perhaps saving his ass. But instead he decides to totally tempt fate. “See, I was invited.” He looks over to Killdare with humor lacing his voice.

    Here we go.


    (orig. picture by mon-artefact on DA)

    @[Killdare] @[Lupei] @[Xiah]
    he's either going to get murdered here.
    or make a bunch of twisted friends xD

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: i ate the bait and snapped the line [anyone] - by Chemdog - 05-07-2016, 09:03 AM

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