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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    and inside you're burning {Birthing - Oricle, any}
    i counted the stars tonight, i gathered them all
    Her heart trips, for a moment she is suspended in nothingness, another she is whirling through space and time. The distant hooting of an owl is sharp, but still that, distant. As if from another world, not one of her warm dark shell. The thudding no longer lulling her to sleep dreamless, and void of thought. Innocent of time, and the toll of life. No longer did the security of her world blanket her from this. Yet for now it is not so scary. Just loud, loud and cold, until the gentle administrations deliver her new found sight. What is the first thing she sees? Well it’s the stars of course, silent and soft, their light streaming around mother and child uniting them in the quiet of the night.
    She nudges at the muzzle against her fur taking in all the sensations she can possibly consume. Wide eyed and fuzzy ears pricked forward, she takes comfort in the nearness of the other. Legs kick from under her wobbly and weak. Her neck lowers close to the ground before she crumples into a heap. A stub of a tail is all she owns, yet that is all she needs to express her frustration at the confounded contraptions. Another effort and she is almost there, once again falling before her quivering knees are stable. Frustration eats at her flipping her ears back until this time quaking knees hold her up.
    Looking to the larger horse, she grins proudly, raising her neck to gaze at the stars. What to call them, something attracts her to them mesmerized by the twinkling lights, they seem to grow closer until a small ball of soft light flickers between mother and child. Nostrils reach to investigate but snort when there is nothing to be found. It dissipates and she is left standing there in awe of this new world. The old one all but forgotten in the few moments of sensation. She speaks and Oricle whirls her head around reaching to careen her neck against the woman. The scent of something sweet attracts her, pinching belly letting her know that it was eager to find the source. It only takes a moment for the warm nutrition to trickle down her throat. When satisfied droopy lashes gaze up at the mare. The mare that looked so similar to her, the mare that she would come to know as mother. The mare that had lovingly cooed the child to rest. Standing next to her she nudges her shoulder finding it a comfortable place to rest against.
    so will you hold cause time is cold
    but in your soul im standing by

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: and inside you're burning {Birthing - Oricle, any} - by Oricle - 05-07-2016, 12:18 AM

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