It's gotta be a cloudy day
The energy in his four-beat gait was matched by the energy in her heart. If she could feel any more joy it was now at the sight of the painted comrade. He swooped in with enthusiasm, eager to meet the wee one. Cicero awoke, perking his head up in confusion to the vibration in the ground and thundering sound. His little amber pools adjusting to the outside world, curiously taking it all in, too young to know what was going on. He looked to his smiling mother who awaited the newcomers approach and tried to mimic her. Her ears were perked in the direction of the arrival, her head raised but the rest of her body relaxed so the amber child copied her body language watching the stallion. The strangers voice loud and exuberant to fresh ears. Ashara sways from Jedi’s nudge, feeling more exhausted than she thought. But her grin never falters. As the mature brute reaches out to the tiny features of the colt, the palomino again copies this action, reaching out to meet the stranger. They exchange breath, imprinting the others scent. It’s a beautiful sight that the honey-hued mother watches proudly before answering. It’s peculiar how such a horrible past for the two equines had led them to find each other and form an odd family. She is glad he makes no comment of the coloured marks of his birth father, other than his streaked plumage and lack of star the child does look like a tiny her. It’s such a strange feeling, to have created a life from flesh and blood, that is part her and part it’s own. As he grows, his personality will too and she couldn’t wait to meet the man he’d become. “Thank you, I couldn’t have done it without your support. His name is Cicero.” Her voice is soft, humbled. The name had no specific meaning, she hadn’t even thought of names before his birth but the title just came to her in that moment of bonding.
Whether it was because everyone else was standing or because he was hungry, the colt awkwardly struggled to his feet, much smoother than the first time and began to nurse again. His streaked short tail swishing side to side in delight while his mother reached round to scratch the delicious golden rump. When he finished he made his way towards the painted stag bumping his shoulder the way Jedi had done to Ash. He was feeling more confident on his limbs by the minute, it was quite amazing. He silently continued to observe, there was so much to learn.
With lethargy finally catching up to her the flaxen mare folded her limbs and knelt to the ground. “Do you mind watching him while I close my eyes a moment?” There was no one else she’d trust more for such a task and despite what she had been through she felt safe for the time being. Safe and content.