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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Round 2- The First Impression

    I was in the darkness
    --so the darkness I became

    Despite her excitement, she had fallen asleep at nearly the same moment she hit the bed. It was exquisitely soft, unlike anything she had ever felt before. The pillow cradled her head in just the right way; she was quite sure she had never experienced a bed quite so comfortable. Throwing back the heavy duvet she stretched her arms above her head, sweeping her eyes once more over her room. It was possibly even more beautiful now that she was awake enough to appreciate it. Suddenly there was a knock and she could hear the servants excited chatter through the door. “Miss Topsail, if you please! Breakfast will be served soon, and you’ll need your nourishment!” Even without seeing the woman’s face, Topsail imagined her to be a kindly, plump older lady. She probably had gray hair tucked into a tidy bun and the kind of eyes that twinkled when she spoke. Smiling, Topsail called back “Coming!” before throwing her legs out of the bed and setting her feet on the oriental rug peaking from beneath the bed. Like the sun rising higher in the sky, so did her excitement rise. By the time she had gotten herself presentable, the smile was as much as part of her face as her clear blue eyes.

    Much like dinner the night before, breakfast was a bustling affair. Everyone appeared to have rested well in their private quarters and were coming into the day with the wind at their backs. For now though, breakfast demanded their attention- and what a breakfast it was. The castle staff had clearly outdone themselves, presenting the finalists with every baked good known to the kingdom. Sweet cakes and hot rolls, bear claws and muffins- the choices were endless. Beyond the baked goods were meats and eggs staked high for the taking. Glazed ham on one plate, sausage on the next. Topsail was quite sure an entire herd of pigs had met their maker to fulfill this breakfast order. It was unlike anything she had ever seen. Not wishing to miss anything, she grabbed a tiny bit of each before sitting down at the far end of the long table. She was close enough to the hum of things to listen to idle chatter, but far enough away that no one bothered to make conversation with her. Which was entirely fine with her. Not a recluse by nature, she had simply made up her mind that this wasn’t the place to make friends but rather a challenge needing her full and undivided attention. It wouldn’t do for her mind to be cluttered with chit chat. So instead she ate her breakfast in relative silence, speaking and smiling when spoke to but otherwise, focusing on the day ahead of her. Something told her that “busy” would be a generous term.

    After breakfast she was ushered back to her room; sure enough, the servant who had woken her this morning was a kind-faced older woman. She was an animated little thing, a right flurry of hand motions and facial expressions. Topsail found her to be endearing and even somewhat comforting. Finally, they reached the turret room once more and the pair came to a halt. “Miss, you’ll find your bath is ready and waiting for you. Don’t dally now, you’ve an exciting day ahead of you! Go on now, hurry along!” said the maid, whom Topsail now knew as Mrs. Lanham. Mrs. Lanham swung the door open and bowed Topsail in before taking her leave. Alone again, she found the bathroom. In her exhaustion last night she hadn’t noticed the door set off to the side of the massive wardrobe. As she entered, the scent of vanilla and jasmine was almost overwhelming. It seemed to be coming from the steam rising from the bathtub. It was a massive thing; pure white porcelain, with golden clawed feet poised on the floor. A small fireplace provided heat to the room and also to the bath water, by way of a heavy iron kettle hung above the flames. Sighing, she slipped off her clothes and slid beneath the perfumed water. This was a luxury of the likes she had never known. A warm bath was hard to come by in her drafty cabin, but a hot, steaming bath? Unheard of. She hadn’t realized how much tension she held in her body until the hot water began to ease it. There was a certain part of her that was quite sure it could stay in the bathtub all day, but fortunately her brain was still functioning rationally. No prince was looking for a pruney-skinned wife, so Topsail hurried along with her bath, taking extra care to scrub behind her ears, just as her mother had always taught her. As she scrubbed she thought about the one time she had caught a glimpse of the prince. He had been riding along behind the royal carriage. His horse had been a handsome black stallion with strong legs, likely some baroque-type. But the prince himself…Topsail was hard-pressed not to sigh fondly at just the memory of him. He had been everything she had ever dreamed a man could be. Devilishly handsome, with a rogue mess of dark hair flopping carelessly over his smooth forehead. Arms that could have belonged to the kings best knight. Long legs wrapped around the barrel of his horse…and now here she sat, possibly a room away from him.

    Before she knew it, nearly an hour has passed. The water had gone cold and even more horrible, her fingers looked like prunes. That would not do at all. Pulling herself up quick enough to make water slosh from the edge, she hurried out of the water. Jasmine and vanilla clung to her like a second, much softer skin. While her skin wasn’t rough per say, she was also not a girl accustomed to the finest lotions and powders. She made do with what she had, which was usually a scrap of soap made from goats milk. Now, however, she bore the skin of a much more affluent lady. Pulling a robe from its hanger on the mantel (the servants thought of everything, and the robe was gloriously warm), she looked into the mirror over the wash sink. A pretty face peered from beneath still-damp curls. The blue of her eyes picked up the blue and golds in the bathroom, mirroring them back to her. She smiled at herself in the mirror, contorting her face this way and that as she struggled to find her “best” smile. Little did she know that her best smile was her original smile, and no amount of scrunching her nose was going to change it.

    Piling her hair atop her head she walked back into her circular room, her eyes sweeping over it in search of her belongings. A thought popped into her head and she walked to the wardrobe, throwing it open to reveal her small amount of things. They were by far the finest things she owned, but here in this room…why, they were little better than peasants clothing. The only thing that would stand her apart from a common street urchin was the fact that her clothes were at least clean. A frown creased her pretty mouth as doubt rose in her throat. This was ludicrous! She was a blacksmiths daughter, not the next heir. She was nothing but a foolish, silly girl with the type of hopes and dreams foolish, silly girls have. But fate had a way of assisting silly girls, and the assist came in the form of another knock at her door. Gasping, she quickly pulled on a dressing gown before going to answer it.

    Suddenly, her room was a flurry of activity. Clearly, all of the kingdoms best dressers had appeared for the occasion, eager to not only assist but to show off their designs. Dress after gorgeous dress was pulled from a rolling wardrobe and held before her. How could she chose? She had rarely seen such fine things, let alone been given a choice in wearing one. However, when the sky-blue one emerged, she was sold. It was everything she could ever have wanted; a flowing confection of lace and silk. “That one, please.” she said softly as she gestured towards the dress. The dresser returned her smile and she knew then that she had made the right choice. It would match her eyes almost perfectly. At once the team set to work. A seamstress appeared at her side, needle and thread waiting to make any adjustments. But the seamstress would soon find that her presence was quite unneeded, for the dress fit Topsail like wings fit a bird. While she watched, the blacksmiths daughter she had been was transformed into the princess she could become. Her trim waist was cinched tight by the whale-bone corset, while the skirt of the dress flowed around her feet. The servants helped her slip her feet into a pair of modest black heels. Through a small panel of lace peaked her delicate collarbones and alabaster skin. Rouge had been added to her cheekbones and a small dab of pink paint to her pouted lips. Atop her head, her hair was piled into loose curls that came down to frame her pretty face. She sighed…Father had always said she deserved to be wrapped in silk.

    Reaching forward, she touched her reflection in the mirror. It was as if Topsail, the blacksmiths daughter, had disappeared somewhere beneath the silk and lace. Before she had much time to admire the change though, a note was thrust into her hand. Startled, she took it, noticing that the dressing team appeared to be clearing away. Hurriedly she opened the note and upon reading it, noticed her stomach drop at least four inches from its original position. The first meeting. Of course she had known it would all lead to this, but she thought perhaps she would have more time to prepare. However, Topsail was nothing if not resourceful. Looking up from the small scroll, she spotted a maid still in the room. “Excuse me, please!” she called as she hurried in the maids direction. “I’d like the cooks to please prepare a picnic. Something light, but still filling. Fresh bread, of course.” As she spoke, her voice took on a new authority, something that surprised even her. There was much to be done in a short amount of time. “Also, I’d like an open carriage to meet us out front to carry us to the viewing pond on the castle grounds. When I arrived, I was brought by a strapping team of chestnuts. Those horses, if possible.” The maid was smiling and nodding excitedly, clearly taking in each and every instruction. “When the picnic basket is complete, please have it packed into the carriage. A blanket as well.” With those final instructions the maid took her leave. Closing her eyes, Topsail allowed herself several deep breaths…it was now or never.

    Heading down through the castle she was hard pressed to swallow her nerves. Every few steps she took a deep breath, hoping to clear her mind and settle her errant nerves. It worked, at least to a point. If anything it gave her something else to thing about. Finally she rounded the final corner and stepped into the massive entryway, only to find the heir standing there waiting on her. He was dressed casually but so handsome, and now that she was close she noticed just how blue his eyes were. “Topsail. I’m Francis. My, this is a pleasure.” he said, and for the moment she lost herself to his smooth baritone voice. “Francis, the pleasure is mine and mine alone.” she replied with a courteous dip of her head. Reaching forward he clasped one of her hands in his, brushing a soft kiss just over her knuckles. While his lips landed only on her knuckles, the effects went straight to her knees. “I see Fury and Flame waiting quite impatiently outside. I’m assuming they are here at your wish?” he asked and she nodded, an attractive blush creeping up her elegant neck. “Then my dear, lets not try their patience any longer. After you.” And with that he pulled open the door, revealing the anxious pair of horses beyond. Stepping over the threshold she immediately stopped, giving the heir ample room to cross himself but careful not to stand in his way. When the door had closed he once more grabbed her hand, leading her down the stone steps to the carriage waiting beyond.

    Just being near Francis was a joy in itself. He was eloquent and well-spoken but with a certain dark charm she found herself drawn to. There was a twinkle in his blue eyes that spoke of mischief and something else, something sultry perhaps, had she known of such things. Leaning over Francis whispered in her ear “Watch this” before reaching forward and goosing the carriage driver. Already having a hard time controlling his eager team, he jumped, thus giving the horses the extra rein they had been begging for. Snorting they plunged forward into a canter, throwing Topsail and Francis back into their seats rolling with laughter. The driver was not amused as he gathered up the extra drive line, mumbling admonishments under his breath. “That was a rotten trick, you know.” said Topsail, scolding and smiling at the same time. Francis responded by shrugging and winking. Finally, the driver managed to haul the horses to a halt. Topsail looked over and saw that there on the edge of the pond was her planned picnic, blanket and all. “I believe we’re here. Shall we?” It felt strange taking the reins, but this was her date after all.

    As the heir stepped down from the carriage, Topsail found her waist in his waiting hands. He lifted her down easily, setting her gently on the ground. “I haven’t been here since I was a child. It brings back fond memories. Mostly, memories of me sneaking off to swim naked while a contingent of worried servants trailed after me.” said Francis with a chuckle, his eyes falling fondly on the tidy body of water. “Well then, it would appear I’ve chosen well. Fond memories of your errant, nude youth and all!” It was easy to return his humor. She found him to be like a Sunday morning, the kind where you were slow to rise and spent the day doing just as you pleased. It didn’t take them long to reach their place setting, settling on the ground and digging into the basket. Breakfast seemed like a long-ago affair and suddenly, she found herself starving. Opening the basket she was pleased to find fresh bread, still warm and wrapped in a cloth napkin. Removing the bread she found an assortment of cheeses, grapes, and a bottle of the kings finest dandelion wine. At the very bottom were two simple plates, two glasses, and two knives- one for cheese and the other for wine. “Shall we?” she said, gesturing towards the place she had sat before them. “My dear, I thought you were never ask. But first, lets uncork that fine spirit and toast to this wonderful day.” Topsail couldn’t agree more. Handing him the bottle he quickly uncorked it before handing it back to her to fill their glasses, which she did happily. Smiling, they raised them high before toasting merrily. As she lowered her glass she looked at Francis, almost staring but not quite bold enough to do so. He was very handsome…she could get lost in that face. “You know, I was very nervous to meet you.” she said, an attractive flush rising up her neck. He opened his mouth to speak but she raised a hand to cut him off. His lips sealed with a roguish smile; clearly, he wasn’t used to being admonished in such a way. “But I know now that was silly of me. You’re so easy to talk to…not at all like I’d imagined. Its nice to know that even princes swim naked in filthy ponds sometimes.” And with that she began to laugh and so did he, until the tears rolled down their cheeks.

    The analogy about time flying while fun was being had was all to true. At the height of their laughter the carriage driver called to them, announcing that their date had drawn to a close. Both smiled, Topsail more than a little sadly. A few hours simply weren’t enough, but rules were rules and she had no choice but to follow them. The trip back to the castle was somewhat more quiet, but there was a certain loveliness to the moment. They both sat on the same seat, their hands lightly intertwined. Through the layers of silk she could feel the heat of his leg brushing against hers, and she was surprised to find that heat transferred to other, more sensitive parts of her body. As they neared the castle and the carriage slowed, she laid her head on his strong shoulder. Hesitantly at first, and when he didn’t object, she settled her weight more firmly there. Too soon they were back, the horses slowing to a walk as they neared the sweeping stone steps. “Well, I suppose this is all for today.” she said gloomily, her eyes staring off into the distance. “Indeed. But perhaps there will be another?” She couldn’t help but think there might have been a hopeful lilt to his voice. Maybe it was only wishful thinking on her part, but it was something to cling to in any case. As they rose from their seats and stepped down out of the carriage, Francis turned to her. “May I?” he asked, and she agreed before even knowing what she was agreeing to. Leaning down he brushed a kiss on her soft cheek and then allowed her to do the same. She would have very much liked to have put the kiss on his lips instead, but a cheek would suffice. “Thank you for a wonderful time, Francis. I do hope you enjoyed yourself. Goodbye…” she said, drifting up the stairs and towards the waiting Mrs. Lanham. “The same to you, Miss Topsail. Goodbye.”

    Mrs. Lanham led her back to her turret room, where she wiled away the next hours and day by reading a book she had brought with her. She could scarcely see the words on the pages. Her mind was still on the banks of the viewing pond. The rose fell in the sky and rose once more, and still she could see his blue eyes. It was as if he was just out of reach, as if he had only been a dream. She went to meals as she was expected to do but only picked at her food. A knotted, nervous stomach was not a very hungry one. At the end of the last dinner before the elimination she headed with the rest of the contestants into a handsome room she hadn’t seen before. Refusing to sit she twisted her hands nervously, attempting to rid her body of the nervous tension that hung in the room like cigar smoke. A small man stepped through a heavy door, clearing his throat to garner their attention. “The eliminations will begin soon…”


    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Round 2- The First Impression - by Kirin - 05-03-2016, 10:37 AM
    RE: Round 2- The First Impression - by Topsail - 05-04-2016, 07:06 PM
    RE: Round 2- The First Impression - by Kirke - 05-05-2016, 12:42 AM
    RE: Round 2- The First Impression - by Besra - 05-05-2016, 02:10 AM
    RE: Round 2- The First Impression - by Kagerus - 05-05-2016, 03:01 AM
    RE: Round 2- The First Impression - by Nixie - 05-05-2016, 09:11 AM
    RE: Round 2- The First Impression - by Lagertha - 05-05-2016, 01:21 PM
    RE: Round 2- The First Impression - by Cerva - 05-05-2016, 02:44 PM
    RE: Round 2- The First Impression - by Heartfire - 05-05-2016, 02:54 PM
    RE: Round 2- The First Impression - by Blazed - 05-07-2016, 01:40 PM

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